Week 6

Eesti Disainimeeskond
EDM blogi
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2016
Estonian Design Team and EAS meet Peter Kentie (second from right)

Three workshops, in which we dealt with summarising values and focus points, made up the core of the sixth week. To this end, we used 3 categories that we had sorted out in the past 5 weeks: the land, country and the people. For the first two categories, we worded clear unique features of Estonia: clean environment (the land) and e-society (the country). This week, we hope to reach the people aka the uniqueness in our way of thinking.

There are a lot of sub-topics that can be linked to a clean environment, and an exciting approach here is to speak of Estonia as a place that belongs to 10 cleanest countries in the world. 22% of our land is under nature conservation and nearly quarter of Estonia can be considered organic soil: we have not used any substances prohibited in organic farming in our state forests during the last three years.

Ideally, all the forests in Estonia could be organic in the future.

There are several strengths concerning the e-society topic that we as a state might not have discussed all that much in the past. Our meeting with the GOV.UK team confirmed once again something we have heard many times in the past weeks — even if our e-services still have room to develop, their foundation is strong and unique in the world.

We are the only functional digital society in the world.

Be sure to listen to Alar and Piret’s interview on Turundusraadio (Marketing Radio). The discussion touched upon branding in general and what the Estonian Design Team has done so far.

Important meetings

  • September 5. Jury of the creative competition of Estonia 100 and the EU Presidency. Alari and Jaanus took part in the first meeting, during which applications submitted to the competition were reviewed.
  • September 6. Meedius. We learned more about the media monitoring company — who monitors, what they monitor and what they say about Estonia elsewhere in the world?
  • September 7. Peter Kentie (Eindhoven365). Peter talked about lessons learned during the Eindhoven365 project; we discussed how to use this experience in the EDT.
  • September 8. Talis Tobreluts (e-Channels Manager at EAS), ADM. We came to the joint conclusion that the entire estonia.eu website should likely be renewed.
  • September 8. Tallinn Airport, Government Office. We discussed the opportunities of one of the most visible physical gates of Estonia.
  • September 8. Tourism Development Centre of EAS. We got necessary input from one of the biggest user of the Estonian brand, who is eagerly awaiting the new brand and its various application opportunities.

