2022 Roadmap

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2022

Today we reveal the 2022 roadmap for Effect Network. We’re more excited than ever about what we can achieve this year. The network now has the technical foundation that can be expanded upon to create the most accessible and empowering online work platform out there.

This year starts off with a focus to finish the SDK that lets developers build their solutions on the network. There will be new partnerships with projects that publish their tasks on the network. Mid-year we will see new releases for the workforce that provides them with some long-awaited features. The DAO will collect fees continuously and will start playing a more serious role as maintainer of the network. Later in the year, we will launch several long-term growth initiatives that will propel Effect Network forward.

In the rest of this post, I’ll highlight some of the major steps on the roadmap.

Mainnet release

The new Effect Network will soon be available on mainnet. This is a major revamp of the platform with extremely easy task publication and an instant work-through-MetaMask experience for workers. Check out our Github to stay tuned on the code polish and audits!

Effect Ecosystem

The Effect Ecosystem is the “dApp store” where you can use EFX tokens on a variety of services. Projects and companies have direct access to accelerate their growth: translations, social media engagement, questionnaires, data structuring, artwork, software testing, and much much more, all in one place. It’s the beating heart where end-users access the network.

Project partnerships

We will partner with a number of projects and help facilitate them with publishing their own tasks on the network. The Effect Network Foundation will make funds available to help integrate applications with our workforce. Initial partnerships will feature NFT and Metaverse projects that provide special rewards for Effect users working on them.

Mobile app & notification system

This is an update many of us have been waiting for and has been under development for several months. The mobile app will make Effect Network the most user-friendly work platform in the ecosystem. Notifications for new tasks and available qualifiers allow for workers to never miss an earning opportunity.

New fee system & DAO updates

After nearly a hundred proposals and thirty cycles, the Effect DAO is ready to receive some updates. The new Effect fee system will ensure the DAO receives fees for every task performed in an automated way. This will make for consistent funding and incentives for participation.

Effect Academy

This will be the ultimate Effect Network onboarding experience for both users and projects. Users will be guided on where to begin, how to find available tasks, as well as learning opportunities available to them in order to maximize their earnings. Projects and companies, regardless of technical experience, will easily find the information they need to quickly get up and running, in the best possible way.

Hackathon & Grants program

In the first Effect Network Hackathon there were 20 high-quality projects built on the testnet. The learnings and input we received during this hackathon were a major inspiration for this roadmap. More innovation funding events, such as hackathons, are on the way, as is the addition of a grants program, through which we will fund solutions that advance the network and its offerings in the Web 3.0 space.

This year Effect Network is undergoing a strategic overhaul to become entirely decentralized. It will become the go-to solution for the Future of Work, which we believe will be be a foundational piece for many decentralized concepts, such as the Metaverse. We’re convinced that 2022 will bring widespread adoption of Effect Network and are thrilled to go down this road together.

Need more inspiration? Check out what we completed in 2021 with our Year in Review blog post!

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