Effect.AI increases focus on East Asia, partners with Trueblocks.

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018

Effect.AI is pleased to announce it is partnering with Trueblocks, a South Korea based accelerator focused on the promotion of blockchain technology in the Korean community. South Korea is a major player in the global cryptocurrency market and certainly the biggest in East Asia. Given Effect.AI’s focus on expanding its presence in East Asia, Trueblocks is the perfect partner to help gain awareness and build awareness in a vitally important market.

About Trueblocks

Trueblocks is a strong proponent of blockchain technology and strives for increased adoption of cryptocurrencies and services on the blockchain. They provide support for worthwhile projects by making the right connections with potential commercial partners in South Korea. In addition, Trueblocks facilitates community expansion, helps develop exchange relationships, assists in finding the right meetups & events and provides advice on marketing strategies.

Effect.AI Expanding operations

Recognizing that East Asia and other Asian countries are especially important to Effect.AI in terms of finding the right Workers and Requesters, preparations have begun to gain a stronger foothold in South Korea and beyond. The partnership with Trueblocks is merely the beginning. Effect.AI will also be attending the 2018 Rise Conference and opening a Hong Kong office making it considerably easier to forge the right alliances there.

About Effect.AI:

Effect.AI is developing a Decentralized Network for Artificial Intelligence and AI related services on the NEO blockchain. Effect.AI’s main objective is to build a platform that will stimulate AI development and the creation of various AI services. The platform will be more democratic, accessible and easy to use than what is currently available.

The Effect Network will be launched in three overlapping phases:

Phase 1: Effect Force

In the first phase, Workers will be able to perform a large variety of Human Intelligence Tasks. This gives AI developers and other Requesters access to an easy way of creating data-sets and outsourcing large amounts of work to a reliable and accurate workforce. Fair payment, attractive rates and improved accuracy give Effect Force its edge over the competition.

Phase 2: Effect Smart Market

The second phase is the creation of the Effect Smart Market, a decentralized marketplace that will further empower developers by allowing them to collaborate with others and to trade their algorithms and DApps on a fully Decentralized Network.

Phase 3: Effect Power

The third phase ties it all together by using the blockchain to distribute the processing power needed to run the newly created algorithms over a global network providing an alternative that is more reliable and scalable than traditional server farms.

To learn more about Trueblocks:

Web | Facebook | Youtube

To learn more about Effect.AI:

Web | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube | Github | Reddit | Linkedin | Medium | Steemit

