Effect.AI July Update

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2019

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

— Colin Powell


  • Effect Force Launches on EOS
  • Effect Force Performance
  • What’s New On Effect Force
  • Meet the requesters
  • The United Nations co-fund Effect Force HUB!
  • Development outlook Q3 2019
  • Coming to the Force next week

Effect Force Launches on EOS

On Wednesday July 10th at 7pm Effect Force, the phase 1 platform of The Effect Network, launched on the EOS Mainnet. It was a flawless deployment and the platform saw hundreds of users register and join the Force in the first few minutes. The launch was executed by the Effect.AI development team while Effect.AI’s CTO and CEO were broadcasting the launch live on the Everything EOS podcast. The entertaining podcast had close to 200 viewers tuning in. Chris (CEO) and Jesse (CTO) answered various questions from Everything EOS host’s Zack and Rob and presented a risky but successful live demo of Effect Force. To finish off the podcast, Chris and Jesse fielded several questions from the viewers. Check out the Everything EOS podcast right HERE!

Effect Force Performance

In the first 24 hours the dedicated development team monitored the system and made the necessary minor adjustments and fixes that came up. After the 24 hour mark we saw the hard work of the team pay off as the platform’s performance was all smooth sailing.

Now that the dust has settled we have been able to look back and review some of the statistics of the Effect Force platform and its usage since the launch on EOS:

— 1000+ active users that connected their EOS account

— Over 575K completed tasks

— 300 Earned qualifications

— 2500 Collected badges

— Top 3 in the leaderboards as of July 19, 2019

We are really happy with these results and we are getting very positive feedback on the platform’s performance from current and potential requesters.

What’s New on Effect Force

Besides that the new Effect Force now runs on the EOS blockchain we added many more new features and improvements to the platform:

  • Effect Account
    We now have a Universal Login System for Effect.AI called Effect Account. This account has Single sign-on so it will automatically log you in to all current and future Effect.AI platforms, like Effect Force and Effect Smart Market. You can manage and create an account at https://account.effect.ai
  • New Design and Gamification
    Along with the launch on EOS we also updated the look and feel of Effect Force. With all the new features, like badges, leaderboards, achievement points, levels etc. especially the profile page needed an overhaul. Check it out yourself on https://worker.effect.ai
  • Achievement Points, Approval Rating and Levels
    As the quality of the work being done is really important for Effect Force, we needed an upgrade from the reputation points system that was in place for workers. Reputation points were a mix of both quality measurement and activity measurement. This is now split up into two new statistics: Achievement Points (AP) measure the activity of the user. AP can be earned by doing tasks and earning badges. Approval Rating (AR) is percentage of approved tasks and measures the worker’s quality. Combined they determine the worker level. The Approval Rating calculations might still be a bit off for existing users, but this will be fixed in the coming weeks!

Meet the Requesters

With the recent launch of Effect Force on EOS came exciting new clients and use cases for the platform as well. We would like you to meet our new requesters by giving you a short description of what they do and which tasks they are requesting.

Australia: Countries around the globe are working towards a better future for their citizens. With several new technological development nations are actively searching for the best way to leverage these new technologies to implement positive change. From clean energy to Artificial Intelligence Effect Force is giving nations such as Australia, New Zealand and Singapore the ability to accelerate their time to market for these very important initiatives.

Task: Rooftop detection

Description: Workers must detect if there are any rooftops within a satellite image of urban areas in Australia.

ORTEC: The ORTEC journey started in the early 1980s. A few young Dutch students wanted to show the world the value of mathematics to secure long term sustainable growth for organizations and society at large. 39 years later, ORTEC is the world’s leading supplier of mathematical optimization software and advanced analytics with around 1,000 employees and offices in 13 countries around the globe. They have optimized business processes at more than 1,200 leading companies, enabling them to make a significant contribution to a better world.

Task: Text extraction

Description: These text extraction tasks are correlated to disaster relief funding. A worker must decide whether there is ‘impact data’ shown within sentences.

COSINE: Cosine has an international team of about 40 people, mostly physicists but also astronomers, chemists, aerospace engineers, computer scientists and technicians, most with an academic degree and many with a PhD. Cosine was founded in 1998 and is located in Warmond. In short, a small company packed with brain power.

Task: Cloud detection from satellite images.

Description: Workers must identify clouds. This can be especially hard as telling a cloud from a snow capped mountain is challenging. You’ll have to develop skills to become efficient in cloud annotations.

This requester came from a referral from the community which just shows how powerful the Effect Force community is! Thanks M!

Caribbean Blockchain Network: Early 2017 a group of Blockchain enthusiast from Caribbean descent was looking for a place to share their thoughts about Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. They created the Caribbean Blockchain Group chat to do so. Almost a year later a meetup was organized which led to the creation of the Caribbean Blockchain Network, a platform for blockchain and crypto enthusiast which is tailor-made for the Caribbean region.

Task: Land segmentation from satellite images.

Description: A worker must select the type of land in the image from a list of categories.

Textkernel: Textkernel is the international leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Semantic Technology for matching people and jobs.

Task: Information extraction

Description: This task is for the Dutch speaking workforce. Users have to identify if a job posting concerns a single or multiple vacancies.

KARMA: KARMA is social media for good. Users are incentivised to do good, share positive & cool content and receive KARMA when their content is upvoted by other users of the platform. A Decentralized Application Built On EOSIO.

Task: Content moderation

Description: Workers must reject unnecessary and inappropriate content and label all content in the appropriate categories.

The United Nations co-fund Effect Force HUB

As part of our Tech for Good strategy the United Nations have decided to co-fund the very first Effect Force HUB in Georgia!

The Effect Force HUBs vision is to overcome youth unemployment and enhance the tech skill-sets of those that participate. The HUBs also offer our requesters who handle sensitive data a controlled environment to have their annotations performed.

Effect.AI is the first ever private company to get a development partnership with the United Nations, which is something we are really proud of! The Effect Force HUBs vision is to overcome youth unemployment and enhance the tech skill-sets of those that participate. The HUBs also offer our requesters who handle sensitive data a controlled environment to have their annotations performed.

This partnership is something we have been working on for a really long time and we are very happy to announce that we succeeded. Chris Dawe, CEO of Effect.AI, went to Georgia several times over the last couple of months to finalize everything.

Development outlook Q3 2019

While we look back at a very successful launch of the Effect Force Platform, Q3 of 2019 is well underway and there’s goals to accomplish. We have set several development goals for Q3 and we are on track with all of them.

Now that Effect Force is up and running, we are working out the final details of our sales and referral campaigns. Both will be announced very soon, so be on the lookout for these very exciting developments. This is where the strength, thoroughness and amazing support of our community comes into play and you can be certain it is going to be rewarded!

The team is also working actively on Project X and it is going very well. We are really looking forward to sharing this one with the world at the end of the third quarter.

Coming to the Force next week

Task: Australia Rooftop Identification (Phase 1) Total tasks: 300,000

Task: Land Categorization (Curacao) Total Tasks: 28,000

Task: Cloud annotations (Hyperscout) Total Tasks: 10,000

Thanks for reading!

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