Effect.AI March Update

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2019

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are”
— Max Depree


  • EFX token swap update
  • Effect Force Gamification
  • Effect Social Impact Hubs UPDATE
  • The KARMA Effect!

EFX token swap update!

EFX token swap is full steam ahead! Jesse and Laurens and the Tech Team from Effect have been building out the front- and back-end of the migration tool as well as the smart contracts needed for the EFX token and migration process. We are ahead of schedule but we will leave a buffer for testing. Time to get your calendar out… The official start date of the migration is Tuesday April 30th 2019 at 11am Amsterdam time (CET/GMT +1)

The migration tool allows you to login with a NEO private key, encrypted key/passphrase or, the most secure option, with your Ledger. The private key will be used to sign your EFX swap transaction on the NEO blockchain, but will never leave your browser. If you are using the Ledger, your private key will never leave the Ledger and you can sign the transactions on your ledger.

After you are logged in with your NEO address, you will be able to swap your EFX to your EOS account. This will be done through a smart contract on the EOS blockchain. More details about how this technically works and more instructions on how to do the migration will be available later in April.

Effect Force Gamification​

As we all know doing the tasks on Effect Force can be a bit boring and repetitive for some people. So we went ahead and started working on some extra long term goals / objectives for our Effect Force workers. In the future, workers will be able to share their profile with others, earn achievement points by collecting badges, and compete against each other in a monthly leaderboard!

Here is a sneak preview of the gamified worker profiles!

Major news on the Effect Social Impact HUBs

It’s happening! Just yesterday Chris and Sam got back from Georgia and sealed the deal! The first HUB is going to be located in Rustavi, a city just outside of the capital Tbilisi. One of the drivers for creating Effect Force is the realisation that it can create meaningful employment opportunities for those in less developed locations.

From the 14th December until 1st March we ran a pilot with 12 young phenomenal individuals. Every Friday for 10 weeks Sam would jump on a call with them and discuss the next weeks set of tasks on the platform. They started with simple image classification and later on worked on much more complex tasks within translation and NLP.

Last Monday Chris and Sam met them all and had a wicked afternoon presenting their achievements and the visions of the HUBs but more importantly we got to know what this means to them and their community. The mayor of Rustavi, his team, the local broadcasting agency and businesses from the area also joined!

This isn’t just an opportunity for the youth to earn money, this is an opportunity to bring life back to parts of Georgia. Rustavi has been losing its romance and its youth continues to migrate to the capital. These 12 hustlers don’t want Rustavi to lose it’s identity and they are not only driving forward the idea of the HUBs but deciding what building the first HUB will be in, who else will want to work there and where will the tasks come from! Yes that’s right they are even finding their own requesters!

Before we met this amazing group of people, Chris and Sam presented the results of the pilot and visions of the HUBs to 10 UN representatives rising to as high as director level. They listened and digested … and then a flood of questions came our way, which resulted in follow up meeting after follow up meeting as they were so keen to get this running! It’s just what they’ve been looking for! Especially since we’ve partnered with Illumo, an AI based accelerated learning platform, which is going to open up even more opportunities for the youth of Georgia. They will no longer have to travel to the capital every day! So aside from performing tasks, learning about AI and earning income they will also be able to adapt their educational path!

The mayor of Rustavi himself welcomed us with open arms and he is sending confirmation by tomorrow of which venue will host the first Effect Social Impact HUB!

Oh and another thing is that Georgians are amazing at singing!

The KARMA Effect!

Effect.AI and KARMA announced their powerful partnership

If you missed this major EOS partnership announcement earlier this month here are some of the exciting details. KARMA is a social network for good. Users are incentivized to do good, share positive & cool content and receive KARMA when their content is upvoted. As the KARMA app scales rapidly and has continues amounts of new users joining this exciting new type of social media platform it’s important to add systems to keep users safe. With a global workforce Effect Force will help with content approval, spam & abuse moderation and ad approvals. This is a perfect illustration of what a platform like Effect Force can accomplish.

  1. By outsourcing these tasks to the WorkForce the KARMA team will reduce costs considerably. Doing so by not having to hire a large internal team to manage these subjects. Furthermore, Requesters only pay per task as opposed to the paying traditional hourly wages.
  2. Near real time results as Effect Force connects via simple REST API to streamline the task flow process.
  3. Gives Requesters and partners like KARMA a whole lot of valuable extra time and resources to concentrate on their technical, design and community efforts.

In addition to our partnership we will be working together closely on #TechForGood initiatives on a Global scale.

Chris of Effect.AI will be joining the Dallas Rushing of KARMA on Dallas’ YouTube channel for a chat on all things KARMA, Effect.AI and EOS later this month.

A sneak peak at the 2 April Effect.AI Newsletter:

April 16th

  • Details on a special incentive for those who are first to swap their EFX
  • Exchange listing information on both sides of the swap
  • Effect.AI explains how Liquidapps is making it easy to run dApps on EOSIO
  • And more…

April 28th

  • EFX Token Swap tutorials
  • Technical explanation of the migration process
  • A deeper look into Staking
  • Effect Force update!
  • Check out all our new friends over at EOS!
  • And more…

Thanks for reading!

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