Effect.AI — November Update

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2019

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” — Jane Goodall


  • Rosette.AI Alpha Launches with First Customers
  • Effect AI & Blockchain Center Advancing Rapidly
  • pixEOS Avatars Integrated into Effect Force
  • Chris presents Effect.AI at Fission’s AI Meetup

Rosette.AI Alpha Launches with First Customers

Earlier this month we launched our new product Rosette.AI. Rosette.AI is a service that is tapped into Effect Force to give YouTube publishers the ability to translate their content into several languages with multilingual subtitles. Rosette.AI is an example of a specialized application built on top of Effect Force. This allows it to crowdsource multilingual subtitles and gives content creators the ability to reach new markets with their YouTube videos, resulting in more views, higher ad revenue, and increased sales.

Check out the following YouTube videos to see what multilingual subtitles from Rosette.AI look like:

Rosette.AI is currently selecting a small number of videos to be translated. If you want to help to test the service please submit your video at https://rosette.ai. If your video is selected you will receive a 50% discount. A large scale referral campaign is under development that will offer attractive bonuses for community involvement.

Effect AI & Blockchain Center Advancing Rapidly

The first Effect AI & Blockchain Center saw quite some attention and progress this month. Chris went back to Georgia mid-November to continue work on the build-out of the Center. As you might have seen in his vlogs, office space has been granted by the Georgian government and the renovations are underway. Chris met with the Mayor of Rustavi to sign the final execution of the agreement to make the very first Effect AI & Blockchain Center a reality. The agreement includes that the Georgian government will use the Effect Force platform for all their data structuring needs with an outline on the first few projects. The signing took place in front of local and national media at city hall. Check it out below:

The Effect AI & Blockchain Centers are not just an Effect Force worker facility but also a place of education, business development, and workshop training. The main objective is to have the Centers become self-sustaining with members acquiring the necessary skills to sell Effect.AI services to local businesses.

The agenda of the Effect AI & Blockchain Center is being finalized and will consist of several training subjects and workshops in Q1 of 2020.

  • Blockchain 101
  • AI fundamentals
  • Marketing and sales training of Effect.AI products and services.
  • NLP 101
  • Quality assurance on Effect Force
  • Crypto Currencies and Bitcoin

Each quarter the Center will accept new applicants to join the Center to take part in its programs and work on structuring data for clients of Effect Force.

pixEOS Avatars

Are you familiar with pixEOS? pixEOS is the first Art Gamification Platform through a smart-economy on the EOS blockchain. Their tokens enable artists to promote, tokenize ownership, and monetize their content. A cool, free feature of pixEOS is their pixEOS Avatar Maker. It allows you to create a personal avatar on the EOS blockchain and associate it with your EOS account, so it can be used across different services on EOS.

Projects such as Dice, Bloks.io, and EOSpayout, to name a few, have already integrated with pixEOS avatars. We’re integrating with pixEOS avatar maker as well, and your pixEOS avatar will be seen on your worker profile page as well as the leaderboard on Effect Force.

You can create and customize your pixEOS avatar by choosing from a variety of colors, backgrounds, eyes, hair, accessories, and more! With the abundance of combinations, we’re eager to see what you can do. Be creative! Go to https://avatar.pixeos.art or click on your avatar on your worker profile to try it out now.

Decentralized Web Meetup Amsterdam hosted by fission

Fission ran a month-long series of Decentralized Web Meetups all around Europe. The goal of the meetup series was to bring together both those already working on decentralized web topics, as well as introduce a broad set of developers to what is possible today, and showcase projects and tech tools for developers to use. On the 29th of November, Chris was there to represent Effect.AI. Chris’ presentation was titled ‘The Future of work: Crowdsourcing using blockchain’.

Thanks for reading!

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