Effect.AI Rebrands to Effect Network

Chris | Effect.AI
Effect Network
Published in
8 min readMar 26, 2021

A brief history of the brand behind Effect.AI

Effect.AI was founded in Amsterdam in early 2017. The core mission at the time was to create an open and democratic ecosystem for Artificial Intelligence development. To build platforms and software to aid data scientists in structuring data sets and help organizations build AI services. The first Whitepaper publication was released on August 24, 2017 and was titled Effect Network: Decentralized Network for Artificial Intelligence. The name Effect Network was a spin-off of an AI service that the founders were already working on called Effect.AI. As we already had the domain name we decided to brand the Effect Network project Effect.AI.

Since those early days, the Effect project has come incredibly far, thanks mostly to the amazing community that consists currently of over 10,000 multi-qualified workers, 389 DAO Guardians, 70,000+ community members and dozens of companies using Effect Network services.

So Why The Rebrand?

Quite often, companies take their brand for granted and neglect its importance. As they evolve and so should their brand. Companies like Apple, Google and Tesla understand the importance to match the brand identity and voice with the mission and vision of where they want to fit into the history books. Who knows… we may be the next Google.

We have certainly matured into a community and project that represents so much more than even our wildest expectations. We’ve shifted our previous focus on AI to now developing an even stronger focus on social impact. By leveraging the talent of our core team along with the support of our amazing community, we have opened up doors to working with global organizations like the United Nations, UNHCR, World Vision, and even the legendary artist Akon. We have a deeper understanding of how important the impact of blockchain and cryptocurrencies will be on the future of humanity and the abundance of opportunities this tech can create for anyone, from anywhere, at any time. We have recognized that we are far more focused on the human intelligence elements of these technologies than the artificial ones. So our new brand focus will speak to building the technical frameworks for a global ecosystem of the way humanity works together in the future… The Future-Of-Work is the Effect Network.

The core team and many community members have come together to bring a new but familiar brand identity to the Effect project. You will find many similarities of the past brand but, the subtle differences are very important. Each element of this new brand tells a story of this new phase of our project. With this comes a new brand voice along with refreshed websites and a supercharged social media and marketing plans to attract the very best people to this wonderful project. Introducing the new, introducing the Effect Network.

What’s Changed?

Let’s start with the logo mark.

Many of you will be surprised to know that the newly retired Effect logo contained the word Effect. It made for a pleasurable-looking logo in larger sizes but in smaller formats it became unrecognizable.

With the revised version of the logo, we have simplified it by taking out some of the internal layers. We also made the distance between each layer even. We feel the new version has better visual appeal, but most importantly it is more recognizable in smaller formats.

And yes… we have lost the fact that it spells Effect… but you didn’t know that anyway;)

Another important change with the logo are the rounded edges. We’ve moved towards a more human-centric branding where the core values are inclusion, transparency, and fairness. Rounded corners give a softer feel that takes us closer to the human element of the brand.

Now let’s look at the logotype

The logotype (font) of a brand says just as much if not more than the logomark. The previous type was a very common and recognisable font called Roboto. Roboto was used in all witten design throughout the brand communications. With the growth of our project we feel it’s the right time to have our own custom font for our logotype. Introducing n52 FX Pro:

As with the logo mark, we have taken out all the sharp corners and made it more pleasing to the eye with a softer approach. You will also notice the C in Effect is crafted from the logo mark. This joins the logo mark with the logotype in a unified fashion.

The new logo in its full glory

Moving on to brand fonts of the Effect Network

The previous font for all written materials was Roboto. We initially chose Roboto because we all agreed it had a technical feel and was often associated with large tech brands like Google. Choosing fonts to represent a brand in which both the human and tech elements are incredibly important is much more difficult than most would think. This decision was one of the most challenging parts of the rebrand process for us. Check out the old:

We chose to have two core fonts for the Effect Network. One will be used for larger segments such as titles and headers. A second font will be used for smaller segments such as paragraphs and longer text pieces.

For H1 and H2 headings (larger segments) we chose P22 Mackinac Pro which is a modern serif font. For the smaller formats, we will use a san-serif font called Inter. Some common serif fonts are Times New Roman, Georgia, Palatino, and Garamond. In contrast, common sans-serif fonts include Arial, Helvetica, and Tahoma.

We feel that this serif font represents the human and inclusive feel of the brand while keeping a slight reference to the tech in which we build the network. We also needed to find a font to represent the circular nature of the logo. This journey ended up taking us through more than 100 serif fonts and only left us with a select few to work with. Needless to say, the decision was made for P22 Mackinac Pro which we feel is visually appealing and represents the nature of the Effect Network.

With picking a font for the more general information and longer text pieces there were 3 things we had to take into account:

  • The circular nature of the logo
  • Easy on-screen readability
  • Common enough not to notice

Effect Network New Brand Colors

We have chosen a deep pastel blue and a rich pastel orange for the core colors of Effect Network. There are a total of 4 supportive colors that we will use across the brand.

We also believe in flexibility and customization for most of what we build. For this, we thought it to be a great time to include a light and dark mode option for all of our online sites and platforms. You can expect to see light or dark mode on Effect Force, our websites, the DAO platform, and others.

Imagery or the Effect Network Brand

Anyone, Anywhere.

It’s simple… This is an open, democratic network for the future of how we all work together. Anyone, from anywhere, at anytime can join and participate in a multitude of ways. For this open and inclusive nature we have chosen imagery that speaks to two core elements: Anyone, Anywhere.

A new unity for the Effect Network sub-brands

The core team has developed several dApps that provide valuable services to our commercial customers all over the world. With each of these dApps came new designs that partially separated them from the core brand. You can see in the image below the Effect Network family of dApps in their past glory:

Introducing the new designed Effect Network ecosystem:

You may have noticed in the redesign of our sub-brands that there are a few renamed. We redesigned these dApps to have a uniform identity, so these name changes were necessary. Check it out:

  • Rosette becomes Effect Captions
  • Effect•ive becomes Effect Socials
  • Effect Dashboard becomes Effect DAO

Revising the names of these products gives us the ability to make the dApp family identity uniform and clean. Check it out!

Well there you have it, the new era of the Effect Network is underway! We feel incredibly confident that this new phase and rebrand will induce even more opportunities for this global brand we now call the Effect Network.

Community Giveaway!

What would a crypto project rebrand be without a giveaway! There will be $500 in $EFX to 5 lucky individuals. All you need to do is join our AMA Telegram channel and ask a good question for the team to answer on their next AMA which is slated for March 31st. If your question is in the AMA you have a chance to win one of five $100 giveaways.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

Hit us up on our socials✌️

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Chris | Effect.AI
Effect Network

Shaping the Future-of-Work through blockchain. Work from anywhere at any time and open for anyone. $EFX