Happy New Year!

Rochelle Trevarrow
Effect Network
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2021

We are concluding a year full of challenges. Yet, we proved to be adaptive and were able to continue to build and enhance the ever-growing footprint of the Effect Network. As the year ends, we want to take a moment to express our deepest appreciation of our community and look ahead to the year to come.

As we embark on a new year, we should challenge ourselves. Not a new year’s resolution that will be forgotten by the time you read this, but a true change, maybe in your thoughts, actions, or habits. Should it be a goal or simply a personal challenge to better ourselves, our families, our teams? Personal challenges seem to work better because as you challenge yourself you are saying I am going to improve, change, increase. Sometimes goals just sit on the shelf, never accomplished, whereas a challenge generally creates some movement in you.

One way we are doing this is we have challenged each of our team members to come up with one word to focus on in 2022. This is a personal word to live by daily. Some of our team’s words are consistency, growth, and prevail. Some GREAT words! I encourage you to choose one word to live by in 2022. Imagine how you will feel daily and even by the end of January if you challenge yourself to live by your one word.

On behalf of the Effect Network team, I would like to thank you all for your continued support, enthusiasm, dedication, and passion that make Effect Network not only a great project but also a great community. I wish you all peace and happiness and look forward to a prosperous New Year for all.

Next year raises the hopes again. We’re looking forward to the new growth and opportunities that 2022 has in store for us. Let’s move forward this year together, in unison, making ourselves, our communities, and the Effect Network better!

