Quick Effect Force Update

Chris | Effect.AI
Effect Network
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2019

Hello Effect.AI Community,

It has now been 2 weeks since the launch of Effect Force on the EOS mainnet. The entire technological migration was an absolute breeze as the EOSIO software is incredibly user friendly and easy to work with. As it was our plan to have an abundance of tasks for our requestors live at launch, we decided to release the tasks in smaller chunks to watch all systems to ensure everything runs correctly. Lucky for this decision as over the weekend we identified an issue with a user or a group of users deploying bots on several (300+) accounts on Effect Force. These bots raced through 1000’s of tasks producing incorrect and unusable results. This has forced us to reengineer the level system, the validation system and the onboarding of new workers to the Force.

The good news is that all identified bot accounts are now suspended and over 1,000,000 tasks are live on Effect Force as of the time of this writing; the bad news is that the level system difficulty will be increased and pay for lower levels will be decreased. These are long term necessities to ensure that Effect Force becomes the unrivaled platform leader of AI data annotation. Quality must be our #1 priority and updating the level system is a key requirement.

Introducing the NEW Level system of Effect Force

As most of you know, the Effect Force Level system involves 2 key measures. These measures are:

Approval Rating: This is the measurement of the quality of the work you have preformed.

Achievement Points: This is the measurement of activity and experience you have.

Approval Rating + Achievement Points = Level-Up

Let’s check out how it works!

AR = Approval Rating AP = Achievement Points DTL = Daily Task Limit

Level 0: AR: 0 AP: 0

When you first enter the Effect Force platform as a worker you start with 0 Approval Rating and 0 Achievement Points. By completing the Effect Force onboarding tutorial a worker earns enough AR and AP to level up to Level 1. Payouts on Level 1 and 2 are extremely low as tasks in these levels are never used for official requestor results.

Level 1: AR: 0 AP: 50 DTL: 300

Level 1 grants curious minds and die hard micro-taskers alike the ability to try and test the platform on various live tasks. At Level 1 a worker can also earn additional Achievement Points by unlocking special badges and completing Qualifier Tasks. Payouts on Level 1 and 2 are extremely low as tasks in these levels are never used for official requestor results.

Level 2: AR: 80 AP: 5,000 DTL: 1,000

In this level we start to separate the people who wish to take micro-tasking to a more serious status. In order to achieve Level 2 users require dedication and several days of work. But that’s not all… To reach level 2 you must have an Approval Rating of at least 80. This rating can be matched to %. So a worker would have to have done 80% of all their tasks correctly. We check a users work through several quality checks. Your daily task limit has now improved from 300 to 1000.

Level 3: AR: 85 AP: 10,000 DTL: 1,000–2,000

At Level 3 you can call yourself a true micro-tasker! You have been working on several different tasks for several total hours to reach this level. But most importantly you took the work seriously enough to score 85% Approval Rating or above.

Your daily limit is still set at 1000 but workers who wish to double the task limit can do so by staking EFX. Guidelines and amounts for worker staking will be released soon and implemented on the next version of Effect Force.

Level 4: AR: 90 AP: 25,000 DTL: 1,000-unlimited

Ok… It’s now getting real! You have now done enough work to understand the various aspects of micro-tasking and its important relationship to building Artificial Intelligence solutions. By this point you have several Qualifications that are important when new Requestors are looking for the right workers. In Level 4 you have the ability to stake EFX to unlock unlimited tasks. But never forget the quality of your work as if your AP ever drops below the Level 4 threshold of 90 you will then drop back down to Level 3.

In this Level and every Level above, your daily limit is still set at 1000 but those who wish to unlock unlimited tasks can do so by staking EFX. Guidelines and amounts for worker staking will be released soon and implemented on the next version of Effect Force.

Level 5: AR: 92.5 AP: 75,000 DTL: 1,000-unlimited

You are now an incredibly valued worker of the Force and for that you are salute you. We also reward you! There is a special badge that is unlocked at this level and with that badge is a treasure chest filled with both EFX and NFX. At Level 5 you become part of an elite group who get very privileged and sometimes private tasks to work on that no other worker gets to see. Some of these tasks can have major rewards attached to them and create some very lucrative pay. You can also can take part in the Master Validator training. Master Validatiors checks subsets of all workers work to ensure the highest quality is being achieved.

Level 6: AR: 95 AP: 500,000 DTL: 1,000-unlimited

Again this is a very special achievement and is rewarded once again with a treasure chest of EFX and NFX. More importantly, if you have passed the Master Validator training in Level 5 you can work as much as you wish as a validator. One of the most respected and important rolls in The Effect Network. With a pay up to $20 USD per hour in EFX you can now work from anywhere, at anytime, from any device knowing that there is continuous and consistent work.

Level 7: AR: 97.5 AP: 1,000,000 DTL: 1,000-unlimited

Even the core Effect.AI team has no clue what to expect at Level 7. If you ever make it, please report back to us on your findings and let us know what happened. Rumor has it that the first 10 workers who achieve this level are showered with tremendous rewards.

The outlined level system will be live with the next version release of Effect Force along with major upgrades to the Validation system. Due out in August.

Want to join the Force as a worker? Open Worker Registration: https://worker.effect.ai

Do you know a company needing data annotations? Get in touch force@effect.ai

Thanks for reading!

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Chris | Effect.AI
Effect Network

Shaping the Future-of-Work through blockchain. Work from anywhere at any time and open for anyone. $EFX