Public Speaking

Denny Dong
Effective Communication
2 min readMar 4, 2018

For some it could come as natural as breathing, but for others it could result in sweaty palms and heavy breathing. It is known as public speaking. Why is this communication skill feared by so many? For one, it is really easy to lose your train of thought and panic. But mainly it is because it is a skill that is hardly practiced.

If you are one of those people who dread presenting in front the class, have no fear. There is a few strategies and practices that I personally have done to improve on my public speaking skills.

Every morning after I get dressed, I stand in front of the mirror and talk about a random topic as if I am presenting in front of an audience. While I “present”, there are some important tips that I follow, including using my arm and gestures to help me direct my speech. I also have to make sure I pace back and forth a few feet at a steady rate. The important of all, I had to remain confident as I spoke.

The results was showing just after a week. The more I performed and practiced, the more natural it got. Soon I didn’t even have to remind myself to open up my arms and pace myself. It just became my “routine”. Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror really help you identify the “do nots” that you could have not notice otherwise.

Now all I have to do is to way for an opportunity to present in front of a real audience. I am sure this time, I will be better at public speaking.

short clip of me practicing on the topic fashion

