Life Lessons Learned

Burhan ARAS
iOS Interview University
2 min readJan 31, 2024
“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” — Harvey Specter

Life is short. Build things that matter.

Time goes by quickly. Suddenly you realize years have passed but you’ve never achieved something significant. Name the most important achievements for you and just focus on them.

Just a few things truly matter in life. Have an urgency with them.

Life is composed of only a handful of truly significant elements. Approach these essential aspects with a sense of urgency and prioritize them accordingly. Recognize and act upon the importance of these few things, emphasizing their immediate relevance in the journey of life.

The biggest wealth in life is health and family.

True wealth lies not only in material possessions but in the well-being of oneself and the meaningful connections shared with loved ones. Prioritize these fundamental aspects, for they constitute the greatest riches that life has to offer.

If you wanna go fast, you have to go well.

To go fast and get things done well, it’s important to plan carefully and do things right. Be solid on fundamentals to do things effectively. So, if you want to move quickly, make sure to do it with accuracy and excellence.

Most ideas are nothing without execution.

Just having a good idea isn’t enough; you need to put it into action to make it real and important. Doing things is what makes ideas count.

If you’re not working on your best idea right now, you’re making it wrong.

To make the most of your potential, focus on bringing your best idea to life right now. Don’t get distracted by smaller thoughts. Laser focus on your best idea and make it happen.

If life is having you wait, then get ready to receive more than you’ve ever dreamed of.

Life doesn’t gives you what you want. Mostly. If you try 100 times, you will succeed once. So, just keep trying 100 times, it will happen. That’s it!

Life humbles you as you age, and you realize how much you’ve wasted on nonsense.

Self explanatory. If you just focus on your best idea, best target that maters, you will never feel this.

