Effect -in education
Effect’s Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2017



Γράφει η Ειρήνη Μπότση

But who is effect…?

Effect founded by two students of Athens University of Economics, Sotiris Baratsis and Marianthi Nika, is an innovative social enterprise, start-up in education that aims to tackle one of the most important problems of my country, youth unemployment.

Few months ago, I found myself participating in the 3rd round of Success Academy. This is an award-winning 6-week learning program for senior-year students and recent university graduates, focused on self-awareness, career exploration, skills development, and practical experience on a real company project. Success Academy focuses on professional development -in order to make young people more employable- and on the other hand on personal development, which derives from its whole structure and holistic approach.

Such skills are creative thinking, effective communication, and employability skills such as building a resume and succeeding in an interview and in the job search process. This program fills the gap that exists between what young people learn in university and skills eventually required by employers.

Success Academy was also honored with the Social Impact Award 2015 in social entrepreneurship competition organized by the Impact HUB network at European level.

I think every graduate spends lots of hours on social media in order to apply for a job! So I was constantly searching, until I met Effect and this really ambitious program!

Now as alumna of this wonderful network, I can definitely say in public that this experience had an effect on me!

My experience could be described and could focus on 3 aspects:

Network: The participants and the trainers were coming from a great variety of backgrounds, especially from economic backgrounds! But what makes this network special? The valuable storytelling of each person. You can get inspired, become wiser from other experiences or even get help from each other…now…few months later…in the future!

Knowledge: As a dietitian I have to say I didn’t have any experience in economics and business background! Being part of a team and working with people from other fields had really helped me get to know new tools and strategies, that are the main ingredients of the modern Business and Economy! Knowledge has a beginning but no end. The day you stop seeking knowledge is the day you stop growing. “’Brandon Travis Ciaccio”

Skills: One of the key points of Success Academy was to help us develop and evolve skills both soft & employability skills! Some of the skills we talked about on our weekly workshops were: Leadership, effective communication, Creativity, presentation skills, designing thinking team work, CV, LinkedIn etc.

My favorite one was the Creativity workshop in which I discovered the real meaning of creativity, its inhibitors and its driving factors!!! All I have to say, is that everyone can be creative…we just need to make it part of our life. Creativity is the result of practice. “Phil Cousineau”

After the completion of Success Academy, I realized that I am more ready to deal with future challenges and grab the opportunities that will arise!

I would definitely recommend it! :)

Success is the journey not a destination! “Ben Sweelland”

“Η Ειρήνη μας έχει κάνει πολύ περήφανους. Αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκεται στη Γερμανία όπου εργάζεται ως διατροφολόγος ενώ παράλληλα διατηρεί το δικό της καταπληκτικό blog . Την Ειρήνη θα τη βλέπετε συχνότερα καθώς σας ετοιμάζουμε μια έκπληξη.”

“Το Success Academy της Effect είναι ένα πρωτοποριακό πρόγραμμα επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης για τελειόφοιτους και πρόσφατους αποφοίτους Πανεπιστημίων και ΤΕΙ. Μέσα στις 8 εβδομάδες του προγράμματος, οι συμμετέχοντες έχουν την ευκαιρία να δοκιμάσουν τις δυνάμεις τους σε πραγματικά εταιρικά projects, να αναπτύξουν δεξιότητες που ζητούνται στην αγορά εργασίας και να διασυνδεθούν με εργοδότες. Αν θέλεις να μάθεις περισσότερα για το Success Academy και τις υπόλοιπες ευκαιρίες που προσφέρει η Effect σε νέους, join the “Awesomeness List” :)”



Effect -in education
Effect’s Blog

We are a #fresh social enterprise bringing the change Education desperately needs, to tackle huge social problems one by one, starting with Youth Unemployment!