Once upon time there was Effect

Effect -in education
Effect’s Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

written by Ilektra Chatzopoulou

Dear Streetellers,

This is my first article on the blog and I have to admit that I am a bit nervous. I was thinking which kind of story I will share with you and I decided that I have something interesting in my mind. The only thing is that I am not the star of this story but two young enthusiasts who decided that the world is a kick ass place for somebody to live in it and maybe we can make it even better. At least this is what my heroes are trying to do. But let’s start our story from the scratch.

Everything started two years ago when Sotiris and Marianthi realized that education can be a very important ally by your side. They travelled around the globe, visited ivy league universities, talked with young entrepreneurs, worried students, disappointed recruiters and then it hit them.

How can we connect passionate university graduates to their dream job in an amazing workplace? Let’s say that we found the extraordinary graduates, why a multinational company would agree to hire them in the first place? Well the answer is that Sotiris and Marianthi did not only search for the best of the best but they also trained them in a way that nobody else would be able to compete with them. They created a programme called Success Academy which offers to young graduates all the skills they may need to pursue their dream job. From CV preparation , to team building and the chance to work on a real life project provided by a company, after two months the young graduates that appeared in our doorstep will be transformed into the kind of star every company would wish to have them by their side.

In case you wonder if proper training is the solution, I am sorry to disappoint you but the key to success is hidden somewhere else. You can not demand the place you deserve in this planet if you do not know what that is. So as far as I am concerned clear goals is the answer, and Success Academy is the place which will help you find yours.

What is my role in this adventure? Well I happen to be their manager, the person who will tell the story. And just so you know there is no sad or happy ending to this fairy tale, just hard work and a vision for a better world.

So stay tuned and every week you will learn how things are going to our offices in Athens, what we achieved, what we learnt, what we are about to do and who knows maybe you will become part of our journey too.

See you next Tuesday!

Ilektra xoxo

“Ilektra Chatzopoulou is a streeteller ( you can check out her blog here ) our PR&Partnerships Manager and in case you wonder she did attended Success Academy.”



Effect -in education
Effect’s Blog

We are a #fresh social enterprise bringing the change Education desperately needs, to tackle huge social problems one by one, starting with Youth Unemployment!