Ways of Time Management

Chong Chen
Efficient time management
3 min readOct 1, 2017

In our every day lives, each of us are very busy individuals. It doesn’t matter what the day is. Everyone has something to do everyday and we somehow don’t finish it on time. Why is that? The simple answer to that time management.

There are many different ways one can manage time. Theses are just some way I try to manage my time effectively and efficiently:

  • Set up a schedule
  • Focus on one task
  • Rest my mind

Setting up a schedule helps us know what we need to get done and helps us plan ahead. Knowing what you need to do can help one save time and be as efficient as possible. I’ve tried this method and currently this method is helping because i’m not all over the place and not self reminding myself what i need to get done when it’s all on my schedule. Each day I get a little work done and not procrastinating till the last minute. I can set up my schedule for other things and not cramming everything in one or two days. Progress has shown through meeting deadlines. Setting up a schedule has really helped me become more of aware person in getting work done on a timely manner.

Focusing on one task is also a very important aspect of time management. You don’t want to jump around and do different task because, then you’ll never get anything done. I’ve learned to finish one task first no matter what. Majority starting with the easiest task first because they take up the least amount of time. Jumping around task allows you to not utilize time efficiently because you won’t know what you’re trying to accomplish. Set yourself a goal and move forward to it.

It is very important to rest your mind when it comes to time management. One can say, it’s way to waste time. But think of it this way. How can your mind process if it’s clouded in doing work and stressing out your body. It doesn’t work like that. I usually do work for a while and then take a break because my brain can’t take all incoming information and process it that fast. It allows me to work at a faster pace because nothing is clouded in my brain and work just flows nicely. Resting your mind allows your brain to get off the topic and start fresh. It makes you manage your time more wisely after a fresh start.

Many different people have different ways of managing time and how utilize it. These three ways are just my experience of how i can effectively and efficiently manage time. You may try and see how it. As I continue to utilize these three mechanics, I will try to master it hopefully one day. I will continue to find new ways to manage time and find better work ethics.

