I left Apple Notes for Google Keep — and Came Crawling Back

Andrew George
Efficient U
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2017


Keep on the left and Notes on the right.

When I first looked at Google Keep I blushed, taken aback by the beauty of its design. I felt a little guilty. I mean, Apple Notes worked just fine. It did what I wanted. It didn’t crash and flake out like Evernote. It was a solid partner. But when I looked at Google Keep I just got excited. It was something new, something that could maybe offer me more. I thought it could satisfy me in ways Apple Notes could not.

Labels (on Keep) vs. Folders (Apple) Really Caught My Eye, so I started spending more time with Keep.

With Apple Notes I’ve always found myself wanting to stash a note in multiple folders. For instance, perhaps a great sci-fi article I grabbed from the web (which I’ve intuitively listed in my “Great Sci-fi Articles” folder) would also draw inspiration for a new piece in my “Writing Ideas” folder. Notes wouldn’t let me put them in both places.

However, I could use a Label in Google Keep and organize the new note just the way I liked it. I could label the note, “Great Sci-fi,” “Writing Ideas,” and, “Stuff from Outer Space.” I could really do anything I wanted with Keep… so I thought.

