Anyone want a JavaScript based podcast player?

Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2017

While looking up some open source JavaScript players that took a podcast xml feed and displayed them in a player format, I found Podigee.

Great, my work is done for me… but it didn’t work that well — I kept getting some buttons missing here and there…


  • the share button doesn’t work
  • you can’t load the player with an item that is in the XML feed.
  • the time fields didn’t get parsed (I just removed them)

[edit 10/1/2017 — found out that the project is actively maintained]

Since the project is actively maintained, I’ll file some bugs against it in their github repo— but I needed the fixes now, so let’s get cracking.

I didn’t even know how to compile CoffeeScript — but I slowly learned it by trial and error. I wish I knew how to debug CoffeeScript — I’m just throwing in some console.logs

I ended up taking a long time to figure how to make it do what I want.

Here’s the source (and the build):

Go here for a demo




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