Hurdles… [w/my software project]

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1 min readMay 10, 2017

Why is it that it’s so hard to pick up momentum once you’ve stopped?

I hope that by listing my hurdles/setbacks, I’ll be able to identify the problem and work towards fixing it.

So here is a brainstorm of my hurdles

  • Betalist will not accept my landing page because it doesn’t look professional
  • Not getting enough users just for a beta test
  • Want to accept payments ASAP, but worried that no one will pay
  • Figuring out what’s the best way to launch it
  • Getting frustrated that no progress is being made… :/
  • New feature ideas coming to my head when I don’t even have a user base — I keep thinking about how to add social features to it, when that’s not the core functionality

As you can tell, there’s a lot of thinking going on here. As I was listing these out, I found myself saying ‘make small checkpoints for yourself’ (i.e. stop thinking and take action).

So here are the things I’m going to do in this order (so I don’t have to think about it)

  • Make a pretty landing page with Tweak
  • Reach out via email to each individual signed up for my list, but not registered
  • Code the payments part and get a free trial working.
  • Ask someone to help me launch it on Product Hunt.
  • Fix the ‘loading’ issue
  • Add social features

By following this plan, I’ll eliminate my overthinking and frustrations about not making progress.

If you have advice, please help me out! Thanks!




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