MVP Step 2: The competition

Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2017

FYI, the full series can be found here.

I’m following the lean startup process of building an MVP (Min viable product) as explained in Evan Kimbrell’s course (which you might still be able to get for free if he left the coupon valid — Google for 25 days of ideas, click on 25):

Alright, here’s the competition for my idea.

Direct Competition

Umano — Had humans read the articles. Dropbox acquired and killed it for no reason.

Podcastomatic — discontinued product. No idea why.— articles are read, but it’s for consumers — — looks quite dead. But has good features. Articles aren’t narrated that well though.

Indirect Competition — articles are read, but no podcast — big site, very popular. for Medium — for consumers to listen to articles — Very good customer sentiment.


Podcast hosting solutions like Soundcloud or Simplecast.

Red Oceans and Blue Oceans

Blue = market is small — not sure if there is a market here

Red = a lot of competitors (sharks are here)

We only know if we test… But looks like this is a blue ocean…

Now if you have 2 minutes, leave a comment below with what goes on in your mind when you ask yourself “How do I figure out if this will work?”.

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