Resolving Conflicts Between CodeLens and ReSharper in Visual Studio

Pandiyan Murugan
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

Visual Studio is one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDEs) used by software developers. It provides a range of powerful tools and features that make it easier to write, debug, and deploy code. Two popular tools that are often used in conjunction with Visual Studio are CodeLens and ReSharper. However, these two tools can sometimes conflict with each other, leading to unexpected behavior and errors.

CodeLens is a Visual Studio feature that provides real-time information about code changes, references, and unit tests. It is a useful tool that can help developers quickly understand the relationships between different code elements and identify potential issues.

ReSharper, on the other hand, is a third-party extension that provides a range of additional features and functionality to Visual Studio. It is particularly useful for developers who work with complex codebases, as it can help to identify code smells, provide code suggestions, and automate refactoring tasks.

While both CodeLens and ReSharper are valuable tools, they can sometimes conflict with each other. For example, when CodeLens is enabled, it can sometimes cause ReSharper to become unresponsive or generate unexpected errors. This can be particularly frustrating for developers who rely on both tools to work efficiently.

One common issue that can occur is that CodeLens may cause ReSharper to stop working correctly when it is enabled. This can happen because CodeLens uses a lot of system resources, which can cause ReSharper to slow down or become unresponsive. In some cases, CodeLens may also cause ReSharper to generate false error messages, which can be confusing for developers.

Another issue that can arise is that ReSharper may interfere with CodeLens when it is enabled. For example, ReSharper may override some of CodeLens’s functionality, or prevent it from displaying certain information. This can make it difficult for developers to get a complete picture of their codebase, and may lead to errors or other issues.

Fortunately, there are some steps that developers can take to resolve these conflicts and ensure that both CodeLens and ReSharper work correctly. One solution is to disable CodeLens when working with complex codebases or when using ReSharper. This can help to reduce the strain on system resources, and prevent conflicts between the two tools.

Another option is to configure ReSharper to work more effectively with CodeLens. For example, developers can enable the “ReSharper Annotations” feature, which provides additional information about code elements that can be displayed alongside CodeLens. This can help to improve the accuracy and reliability of both tools, and reduce the risk of conflicts or errors.

In conclusion, CodeLens and ReSharper are both valuable tools that can help developers to work more efficiently and effectively in Visual Studio. However, conflicts between these two tools can sometimes arise, leading to unexpected behavior and errors. By taking the appropriate steps to resolve these conflicts, developers can ensure that they can work with both tools effectively and without issue.



Pandiyan Murugan

Independent blogger at @EfficientUser Tamilan, farmer, coder, student, lovable, OSS, Stock investor, cook, masters @ BITS PILANI Opinions are mine