Why I’m no longer using Obsidian Publish

Note Aloud
Effie: Write, Mindmap & Note
4 min readApr 23, 2022


And what I’m using instead

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

It’s been a year minus 4 days since I signed up for Obsidian Publish. I was lucky to be an Early Bird and locked in a reduced annual rate.

What is Obsidian Publish?

It’s an optional, paid for add on to Obsidian (a note-taking app and second brain). Publish enables you to select files from your Vault and share them online by linking your content to a domain name. The end result is a web presence, driven by Obsidian.

Obsidian Publish is easy to use and set up. I configured mine using Cloudflare. Full instructions are available on the Obsidian help pages.

Over the past twelve months, I’ve played around with the layout and the content, and shifted my focus a couple of times.

If you use Obsidian but don’t have a website, Obsidian Publish is a great option.

How Much Does Publish cost?

As an Early Bird my annual renewal was $96. The full annual price is $192. I think that’s quite expensive. Or, at least, I don’t feel it’s worth it for me.

As the day loomed for the automatic renewal I wondered whether there was an alternative.

A Different Option



Note Aloud
Effie: Write, Mindmap & Note

Writing about tech, note taking, PKM, rural living, hens, small holding, sheep, cows, and a gentler pace. nicolafisher.com