7 Things you didn’t know about energy efficiency

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2 min readSep 27, 2018


Educating ourselves about energy efficiency should be an essential part of our lives. After all, it is the most available and easily accessible energy source in the world. Learning is fun and we have prepared a few interesting facts about energy efficiency that we are sure you didn’t know about! So here we go!

• The buildings and construction sector are responsible for 30% of final energy consumption which translates to 40% of C02 emissions.
• LED bulbs are the most efficient light bulbs and use about 90% less energy than other bulbs. You can save over $100 on energy bills over the bulb’s lifetime.
• Indonesian consumers saved a total of $3.3 billion on electricity bills in 2016 after the government encouraged the switch to energy saving light bulbs. With the current LED adoption rates, they would save about $560 million every year.
• It is estimated that the Energy star label, a program that promotes energy efficient appliances and products has helped save more than $430 billion on energy bills and reduced carbon emissions by 2.7 billion metric tons. That is the equivalent carbon emission of 670 coal power plants in a year!
• Only 5% of energy drawn from a phone charger is used to charge the phone. Chargers use energy as long as they are plugged into a power source so 95% of the energy is wasted.
• Every year, 171 Kgs of CO2 is released into the atmosphere just by leaving on unneeded/unused lights around our homes and offices.
• About 30% of an average household energy bill is made up wasted energy. Windows, doors and fireplaces not sealed properly cause heat to escape through the cracks.

These are just a few of the many interesting facts about energy efficiency! It’s a beautiful world out there! If you would like to learn more about energy efficiency and how EFFORCE is reinventing the market, please follow us for live updates on our official Telegram news channel and join our official Telegram community.




EFFORCE is the first blockchain-based platform which allows anyone to access tokenized energy savings worldwide.