8 Simple ways to reduce energy bills in your home

Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2018


The cold weather is fast approaching and as temperatures fall, the energy bills rise and rise. But they don’t have to! With a few changes in daily behavior, you won’t have to worry about high energy bills ever again! You can have an energy efficient household with these simple measures:

1. Use thick curtains for windows

Windows are one of the spots around the house where heat escapes easily. Hanging thick curtains will prevent heat from getting out. You will spend less energy reheating a house that is not constantly losing heat. A warm home but with fewer bills.

2. Use energy saving bulbs

Replace your old incandescent bulbs with the eco-friendlier energy saving ones. Energy saving bulbs can last up to 12 times longer than incandescent bulbs that consume a lot of energy to light up.

3. Take care of your appliances

It’s important to take good care of the appliances in our houses. Avoid incurring unnecessary expenses such as fixing a breakdown or completely replacing the equipment just because you were using them without a care in the world. Turn off appliances when they are not in use. Constantly adjusting the thermostat, leaving the TV on when not watching it and plugged in devices that are not in use are all a source of wasted energy.

4. Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are fantastic because they help you to control the temperature in the house and they don’t cost a lot. They can be set to different times to heat or cool the home instead of getting the whole system working all the time and consuming energy even when you are away or do not need it. In this way, you can save yourself a lot of costs.

5. Remember to unplug

Electronic devices consume energy regardless of whether you are using them or not. Computers, microwaves, printers, the TV and all other gadgets continue running as long as they remain plugged into a power source without being turned off. You could reduce your bills significantly just by unplugging when you are not using them.

6. Use cold water for washing

Almost 90% of the energy produced to run a washing machine is actually spent on heating the water, not from washing clothes. That means that 90% of your costs incurred to wash one load could be eliminated instantly if you used cold water. You only really need hot water to wash very dirty clothes and furthermore, cold water helps extend the durability of your clothes so you end up saving not just energy but also your favourite clothes!

7. Buy energy certified appliances

When replacing electrical appliances within the home, look out for energy star certified products. They are normally high-performance, energy efficient equipment that consumes less energy to function efficiently.

8. Seal windows and doors

Any open cracks or gaps on windows, doors, the basement, and the attic all allow warm air to escape and let in a continuous but constant flow of cold air into the house. Filling in all the gaps helps to keep warm air in the house since there are no more leaks and your house doesn’t have to keep producing more energy.

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