Steve Wozniak and Ken Hardesty will inaugurate the first EFFORCE Summit and welcome key opinion leaders to discuss the future of the energy sector

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3 min readOct 4, 2021


On November 6th 2021, EFFORCE will be hosting its first online Summit ( with an opening talk held directly by two of its core founders, Steve Wozniak and Ken Hardesty.

Steve Wozniak with Ken Hardesty, EFFORCE co-founders
Steve Wozniak with Ken Hardesty, EFFORCE Co-founders

During the past few weeks, the EFFORCE team has been making significant steps forward in the rollout of its energy efficiency ecosystem. As a matter of fact, on September 13th, the company’s token (WOZX) started trading on Huobi Global which, to date, is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

At the EFFORCE SUMMIT, personalities and professionals from both the traditional and the cryptocurrency sectors will be invited to share their views and speak about the long term implications of blockchain technology in the energy space.

Climate change and the need for decarbonization are topics of paramount importance to human survival. EFFORCE believes that improving the energy efficiency of industries and the way people consume energy in their everyday lives is the most effective way to tackle the disastrous consequences of human activity on our environment.

This belief is supported by Aither Group (, EFFORCE’s core developer and founding partner. Aither Group has over a decade of experience in the energy sector; they are a privately held company without external investors.
Their annual turnover is $350 million USD.

With a constantly growing population, humans are consuming more energy than ever before. For this reason, it is crucial to focus public attention on reducing energy consumption rather than chasing ways to increase our energy production.

Reforestation efforts and renewable energy sources are key tools to combat climate change, but without energy efficiency as a core pillar, they will not be sufficient to reverse the global warming trend.

The world’s economies are going to invest trillions of dollars over the next decades to reduce their carbon footprints. China alone, as the world’s largest polluter, has officially set its carbon neutrality goal for 2060. Thus, the annual $250 billion USD invested on energy efficiency by institutions worldwide is bound to increase exponentially to reach the growing global targets.

In the private sector, however, reducing energy consumption and being more efficient comes at a cost which not all businesses can afford.

Fortunately, the EFFORCE ecosystem and the WOZX token allows retail contributors (everyday people) to directly finance global projects aimed at improving energy efficiency by upgrading their infrastructure with newer technology.
In doing so, the contributors to the various projects listed on EFFORCE will be rewarded with the MegaWOZ (MWOZ) credits.
MegaWOZ credits are created when a Megawatt-hour of energy is saved because of the project’s intervention.

Today the fragmented world of carbon offsetting has become a crucial mechanism to combat excess pollution and climate change.
The commoditization of energy savings that is now possible through the single, unified system of MWOZ credits adds another powerful tool to our arsenal.

Currently carbon offsetting is solely in the domain of large institutions, however EFFORCE enables everyone to support and be rewarded for energy efficiency improvements. Energy intensive companies can reduce their excess consumption by simply accessing EFFORCE and purchasing another peer’s savings on the market. All this without any geographical borders or opaque processes.

EFFORCE is on a mission to democratize access to energy efficiency projects and increase the amount of liquidity they receive by crowd sourcing their funding. It has undertaken this mission to allow everyone to contribute to a better future for our planet.


“We created EFFORCE to be the first decentralized platform that allows everyone to participate and benefit financially from worldwide energy efficiency projects, and create meaningful environmental change,” Wozniak said in a statement.




EFFORCE is the first blockchain-based platform which allows anyone to access tokenized energy savings worldwide.