EFFORCE — Energy Efficiency. Reinvented

Why EFFORCE will revolutionize the market for energy efficiency

Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019


Over the last ten years, the global energy efficiency market has reached a value of about $241 billion, with a growth of 10% per year. It may seem like a lot, but more than 68% of the energy used in the world is not yet produced and consumed with high-efficiency energy standards.

In other words, the growth potential for this sector is considerable, but due to some objective limitations, the actual growth is smaller compared to what it could be.

EFFORCE’s objective is to reduce the main limitation to the spread of more efficient energy standards: the lack of capital.

In fact, in order to finance large-scale efficiency measures, large amounts of capital are needed. These are hard to obtain today, despite the fact that these measures allow the capital invested to be very well remunerated, even in a predictable manner.

Another limitation is the lack of confidence between those who invest and those who have to use the capital to actually implement these measures.

EFFORCE, thanks to its blockchain-based platform, solves this problem as well by making public and immutable the records of the measurements that allow certifying the savings generated.

This results in a potentially revolutionary scope: for the first time, our platform connects the supply and demand of energy efficiency investments, opening up this market to everyone and certifying the results with the blockchain.

EFFORCE, The first blockchain-based energy-saving platform.

Millions of people currently excluded from this market will finally be able to take part in it and benefit from it on a large scale, like never before.

Thanks to EFFORCE, anyone wishing to attract investment to make energy improvements to their buildings or industrial processes can easily do so by placing a request on our platform.

Our team will carry out an analysis and contribute to the development of the efficiency project, evaluating the necessary investment and calculating the annual internal rate of return (IRR).

After the creation of the project, it will also be possible to use EFFORCE to look for the capital needed to finance the efficiency intervention, in exchange for sharing the savings generated.

The energy savings will be tokenized and will be used to compensate for the energy consumed, or exchanged.

There has never been such a development before, whereas thanks to EFFORCE the two main problems that hinder the spread of energy efficiency measures are solved in one fell swoop: the lack of capital and trust.

Our platform actually creates a market that has never existed, in which investors and companies help each other and benefit both.

Ultimately also the environment will benefit, since increasing energy efficiency measures in the world means reducing consumption without having to change people’s habits, inevitably also reducing the environmental impact.

This is how EFFORCE will revolutionize the energy efficiency market.




EFFORCE is the first blockchain-based platform which allows anyone to access tokenized energy savings worldwide.