EFFORCE — Energy Efficiency. Reinvented

WOZX Token Dual Listing Announcement!

Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2020


EFFORCE is proud to announce its official token listing on two leading exchanges this coming December 3rd, 2020.

After spending most of this year in stealth mode to build its architecture and service the first batch of test projects, EFFORCE is ready to begin its journey to become the gateway towards a more sustainable future by merging cutting edge technology with over a decade of direct market experience in the energy sector.

As preannounced, the WOZX token will be listed on HBTC.com on December 3rd and following up with Bithumb Global next week.

Steve Wozniak — EFFORCE and APPLE co-founder
Steve Wozniak — EFFORCE and APPLE Co-founder

WOZX gets its name from EFFORCE co-founder Steve Wozniak (Apple) who spent his whole life striving for more efficient systems. As an engineer, Woz created some of the most beautiful computers in the world, and now, decades later, he decided to revolutionize the way people interact with energy efficiency projects.

Efficiency improvements span across all industries and geographies, however as of today, these opportunities are still not equally accessible to everyone; for this reason EFFORCE created a borderless participation system tearing down boundaries and lowering barriers to entry.

Through the Platform, ESCO’s (Energy Service Companies) will increase their operational capabilities by being able to effectively list their current projects in front of a wider audience, while Contributors from all over the world will be benefiting alongside Companies for their support.

Thanks to Energy Efficiency improvements, Companies immediately begin to lower their consumption of energy which results in the direct ability to decrease their cost structure and reduce the Carbon footprint on the environment.

This alignment of interest creates a win-win ecosystem for all parties making EFFORCE the only viable technology bridge into a $ 250Bn market with 10% annual growth which can bring meaningful change to our environmental future.




EFFORCE is the first blockchain-based platform which allows anyone to access tokenized energy savings worldwide.