Business Plans: Out With The Old, In With The New!

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2 min readOct 10, 2018

By Nicole Perullo, Founder Nolia Mabel Skin Care Club

As entrepreneurs we are all looking for innovative ways to solve problems. During this session we were introduced to something that I believe is the solution to the long-winded, outdated business plan. The Business Model Canvas was described to us as a birds eye view of the important elements of your business. It is a more visual and workable way to lay out your business idea that allows for fluidity, change, and growth. As a visual person, the thought of having to create a traditional business plan was daunting to say the least, but with this canvas I feel more at ease tackling the elements of a business plan that are new to me.

The rest of our class was dedicated to the first 2 elements of the Business Model Canvas: customer segments and value propositions. When I’m learning something new, I work best when there are examples given. I can take those examples and relate them back to my own ideas. The link at the bottom shows a short video that we were given to watch before class and it uses milkshakes as and example of determining your customer segments and value propositions. Humor is a great way to break down barriers when learning something new and potentially complex and this video perfectly demonstrated that.

The structure of the class allowed for explanation, independent contemplation and small group feedback. During the breakout sessions, we let the energy and excitement of discovery guide us to the answers we were looking for. I observed so many “light bulb” moments that made me proud to be a part of this group. There is a lot to be said for a collection of entrepreneurs working together for a common goal. I no longer have that feeling that “my idea won’t work” or “its better to stay quiet, than say something stupid.” I am grateful to everyone in our group, because we don’t judge. We uplift, support, and encourage!

Stand up, Speak up, and Be Proud… you ARE an entrepreneur!




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.