Idea to Reality

Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2018

Will Rubenstein is Co-Founder of Reboot Game Lab

Can you tell the moment that something changes from an idea to reality? From fuzzy and out-of-focus to sharp and crystal clear?

You know, the moment when the business that you think of as an idea, or as a concept, becomes solid? Real? Actual? “Like, It Exists, Man…” (With a shout-out to Cheech and Chong)

I had that moment after our EforAll Accelerator class last Thursday.

Here’s the rundown from a lightning-fast two hours:

We discussed Goal-setting, the SMART framework, reviewed details for Mid-Pitch 12 days from now and even got a glimpse of “The Finish Line” — Final Pitch on December 11.

Seth Godin’s audio clip outlining how Customers hire a company to solve their problem(s) and a portion of Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “Let’s Start With Why”, which shared his “Golden Circle” concept were inspiring and reinforced the bedrock of The Business Model Canvas — the bridge between Customer Segments and Value Propositions.

Brian Scudamore’s clip that shared his story of when he “dreamed a possibility” that became 1–800-GOTJUNK reminded us that entrepreneurs are humans, just like us. They didn’t get struck by lightning or find the secret to success in a book. Instead, they declared what they wanted, outlined the path to get there, and started asking questions.

Which leads me back to reality. Our cohort’s been together less than three weeks. It feels like three months. But not in a bad way…in a good way. Fundamentally, all of the Accelerator’s Businesses have been transformed since October 2nd.

Customer Segments and Value Propositions are crystallizing based on peer feedback. We continually help each other in class by listening to ideas, suggesting improvements, adding connections and making introductions.

In the next 12 days, Reboot Game Lab will: host two Game Nights simultaneously for the first time, conduct 30 Customer surveys and analyze the results, declare 3 SMART goals and one SMART Stretch goal, launch our Dungeons & Dragons Club, present at Mid-Pitch, and attend hours of Accelerator classes and Mentor Meetings while Tweeting, Instagramming and Facebooking.

Then it’s a six-week sprint to The Finish Line.

That’s a lot of reality!




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.