
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Ayanna Parrent is Founder of B Free Coaching and Consulting

Value essentially is looking at what something is worth. What I have learned without question in the Eforall program this fall, is the need to really pay attention to your value propositions and customer segments before understanding anything else. Basically, if you don’t have a good grasp on those two things then trying to build the rest of your business will be well, ultimately worthless.
It sounds harsh but when you break it down it is true. Human beings really want to feel valued. They want to feel that they are the most important things on the earth and that they are worth something. Having said that, it is a big assumption. I have tested that hypothesis in my yoga teacher training when
learning about the ego and why people do certain things and not others. The ego is a tricky thing and wants to be validated a lot. If we are creating a service or product to sell- what we are really doing is serving someone what they think they need and or want.
All human beings also have pains and things they want to gain from getting out of that pain. My business B FREE Coaching is a perfect example of that. Lots of people have emotional pain they are trying to get rid of and B FREE offers a new innovative way to address those issues using movement and
mindfulness with a coaching model to solve the customer problem of emotional pain.

While this is all well and good so far, have I really gone out and tested the assumption that providing that service is a value? How much is that needed? Are there other services that need to be provided in order to address
that need and or pain? On October 11th our session looked at what are the exact assumptions we have about our customers and how do we go about testing them. We discussed the importance of the quality of the questions we ask, using open ended questions and simplifying the information. We looked at ways to track the progress and the importance of testing the highest priority things first to reduce the most possible risk later on (the idea sucks or has no value.) What I loved about this notion is that you can do this at any point in time no matter where you are in the process. Even if your business is up and running and doing well- all of a sudden you have a GREAT idea and want to go full steam ahead and do it. It is never a bad idea to test your assumption and or great idea before you go for it. Who knows what you will find.
Truth is, we are all human wanting to be valued and are on a constant quest to add value to our lives. The lesson here is before you decide to be the one to add the value- spend some time making sure the value is of some worth to your customer and you are not basing the service on what it is you think they need. Base what you are offering on what they actually perceive they think they need, there is always value in that.

This Blog was written my Ayanna Parrent, LICSW, Owner and Founder of B FREE Coaching and Wellness based on Cape Cod MA. To learn more about her and the program please go to or 508- 418–8504.




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.