My Perspective During the Value Proposition Canvas Course

Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2020

This post was written by Fawn Anderson, Co-Founder of BeFriendlee

First of all, I just have to say that EForAll is a magnificent opportunity provider. I feel incredibly honored and blessed to have the advantage of being mentored by all these brilliant & compassionate individuals that teach us what we need to know and provide us with the tools we can implement to be successful. Every day is a high energy, highly creative venture!

Here’s the thing though, during times of great opportunity and a new level creativity, something sinister will inevitably present itself: RESISTANCE, what a great writer (Steven Pressfield, author of “The War of Art”) calls “the most toxic force on the planet… To yield to resistance deforms our spirit”. This “Devil” i.e “ego” popped up for me as things were going swimmingly. It’s the same old devil interjecting itself in a new problem. As we had the task of identifying our customer segments, I began to feel the haunting criticism, self-defeating voice telling me anything and everything to discourage me from pursuing the task at hand.

I felt stuck. I knew I had to narrow it all down to an exact person who is the customer of BeFriendlee (the platonic, match-making service, connecting people with their best friend, in real life, within their neighborhood). BeFriendlee exists to bring back the village one connection at a time, so narrowing down to one customer segment made me feel like I was turning away community. I felt significant frustration and discouragement to say the least.

Suddenly, at 4am, it became clear! I am not alienating anyone! Through identifying my target audience and honing in on a customer segment, I will be able to figure out who will not only use our platform, but spread the word about BeFriendlee out to everyone else.

That’s my week in review. Thank you for listening.

Fawn, from BeFriendlee




Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship in mid-sized cities.