Razer Arena Partnership

Mohamed Zardab
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

We’re elated to announce that Efrag has joined forces with Razer Arena, a tournament organising and competition platform, under a long-term contract. Efrag has had a fantastic experience working with Razer Arena on projects such as the Razer Rising Stars League, which aims to develop grass roots CS:GO. With the beginning of 2017 we’re glad to announce that we will be developing our relationship with Razer Arena even further.

What does this mean?

Efrag will be working closely with Razer Arena through developing community events and tournaments for various Esports titles. It also means that Efrag as an exclusive partner will work with Razer Arena to integrate new titles and work with new publishers hoping to develop their esports community.

Other than the main events and tournaments which we will be announcing shortly, we will also be running daily and weekly community events that will allow players to develop their competitive experience while earning money off Razer products.

With Razer Arena we hope to create high quality, entertaining esports events, tournaments and leagues with an emphasis on competitive integrity. With their fast developing tournament platform our events will be easier to access to the community for many different esports titles.

“Working with EFRAG has been nothing short of amazing,” says Jared Gerritzen, Director of Razer Arena. “You can expect to see more grassroots level tournaments coming up as we aim to be at the forefront of the development of future esports professionals”.

We’re excited to take this step forward with such a great team!

