Apla DevTeam Report

Alexander Boldachev
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2018

December 1, 2017 — May 1, 2018

Platform Development Update

Platform Applications

Core Development

We optimized the structure of basic applications:

  • Implementing the import function with the use of composite contracts, which solved the problem of limits for transactions per block.
  • Changing the approach to binary data storage: creating a dedicated table (register) for binary data.
  • Dividing parameters and tables into two separate entities: ecosystem parameters and application parameters.
  • Adding a new entity: Application. All tables, blocks, interface pages, smart contracts, parameters, language resources and binary data are from now on linked to applications’ IDs.
  • Importing and exporting functions now work with applications. From now on you don’t need to manually select desired parts of applications. Importing or exporting an application will handle all entities comprising this application.

The ‘Administration’ section has been updated:

  • The section was completely moved to the template engine
  • Legacy pages were removed from the front-end

New Features of the Platform Ecosystem

  • Voting for node validation
  • Catalog of all available ecosystems
  • A new smart law that freezes account operations and rolls back any token transactions
  • Voting using pre-defined templates and ready-to-use voting templates
  • Configuration of platform’s system parameters by voting
  • Support of JSON fields
  • All basic applications were rebuilt using JSON
  • Optimized database structure

Additions to Ecosystems

  • An algorithm for adding new ecosystem members
  • New role management functions
  • Notification system activated
  • Voting functions


As part of code refactoring, the following previously created PoC use cases were rebuilt for the updated Platform Ecosystem:

  • Supply Chains (India)
  • Land Registry (India)
  • Vehicle Registry (India)

CAR-145 Case — General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Dubai

We created a new use case for the State Civil Aviation Department of UAE.

The aim was to simplify the process of submitting and processing applications for receipt, extension, and expansion of civil aviation certificates that allow for landing at UAE airports.

Process Flow

We implemented a comprehensive PoC-use case that allows for the creation, review, denial or issuance of certificates using Apla platform applications.


New Features in Core Development

  • A smart contract and interface page editor
  • Support of user roles
  • File uploading function
  • Node list auto-update function
  • Work with several nodes
  • Front-end translated into Russian
  • Use of Travis-Cl to run front-end testing and deployment
  • Applications can use integrated map features
  • A menu for admin/utility operations
  • QR code for importing within a mobile app
  • Code is covered with QA testing

Additionally, we ran a complete refactoring of the front-end:

  • The centrifuge mechanism was rebuilt. A connection using a guest key has been implemented
  • Batch processing of contracts

Visual Interface Designer Additions

The Apla’s visual interface designer allows for the creation of working interfaces and management of the required element types and blocks without directly programming anything.

  • Implemented the display of the tag tree
  • Tag structure editing
  • Reset of all element tags
  • WYSIWYG-editor
  • Search function
  • Pre-defined classes
  • Ready-to-use templates
  • Logics visualization switch
  • Undo and Redo functions
  • Ability to save the highlighted area when multi-editing
  • Text offsetting for better source code visualization
  • Image height settings
  • Drag-n-Drop function with object movement visualizations

New Back-End Features

  • Improved security of private data storage
  • Improved security of work with data
  • IPV6 Support
  • Improved overall system performance
  • Transport layer security support
  • Refined and more convenient user interface
  • Operations with JSON-fields
  • Operations with graphs/charts
  • Improved application localization system
  • Token transactions monitoring system
  • Monitoring of nodes synchronization errors
  • Emergency network operation stop
  • Instantaneous nodes list auto-update
  • Block and transaction limiting mechanisms
  • Node rewarding mechanism for block generation
  • Improved system’s API
  • Improved approach to work with the Database
  • Access rights to ecosystem tables
  • Improved access rights management system
  • VDE subsystem
  • Mechanism for work with maps in platform’s applications
  • Display of big data in tables (files and texts)
  • Launch of smart contracts on timer
  • Transfer of public keys via QR codes
  • Removal of user accounts
  • Message delivery system
  • Module for collecting ecosystem statistics
  • Protypo template language updated
  • Simvolio contracts language updated
  • Quick Start package for Windows

More exciting developments and partnerships are planned. Stay tuned to keep in the loop with all the latest news via:


