Asking “How Many Likes For _______?”

Will never get me to like anything. Ever.

2 min readApr 25, 2014

I’m sorry. If you’re holding a sign that says…

“How many likes for ________?”


“If I get ____ many likes, my folks say I’ll get a ___________.”

…there is no way on this green earth I am going to like your image.

It may sound callus, as many of them are images of kids with terminal diseases, soldiers overseas or the cutest puppy you’ve ever seen, but the blatant cry for attention just turns me off.

Not from me you won’t.

I don’t understand the end goal. What does a “like” do for the person in the image? Make him/her feel better about his/herself? Pad some social egos? What does it do for the person actually “liking” the post? Do you feel like you actually had an impact on the person in the image? Are people really that naive? Are “likes” some sort of social currency I have not heard about? I just don’t get it.

I see social media as a way to connect, network and share ideas. I see it as an exchange, a conversation and forum. A fast and furious stream of information news and entertainment. It’s a way to keep up with family, friends and colleagues.

I like the message, still not liking the post.

Instead of begging for “likes” and attention, why not put your energy and these amazing social tools to better use? You can generate content to support a charity, non-profit or start-up. Possibly help a friend launch a new product or find ways to inform others through useful links and news articles. Just about anything is better than this selfishness.

Oh… And if you’re a friend or family member and you post something like: “I hate this day.” I’ll never ask why. Not playing that game. Sorry (I’m not really sorry).




Full-Time Higher Education Specialist and Admissions Marketer, Part-Time Blogger, Avid Runner, Some-Time Tennis Coach and All The Time Busy.