How to Build your own Social Audio Chat Application

Ashwin Hariharan
Egen Engineering & Beyond
20 min readJul 22, 2021


If you’re reading this article, you mostly likely discovered it via some form of social media. They are platforms that enable people across the world to interact with each other and share information on what’s happening in their own corners of the world. And for more than 3 decades since their advent, social media apps allowed sharing information mostly in the form of text or images, particularly when it comes to sharing content in real time.

In early 2020, an app called Clubhouse popped up in the iOS app store. It was a social media app, where the primary form of content was not photos, videos or text, but audio. By the end of the year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, when social distancing and remote work had become the norm, the app exploded in popularity — gaining over half a million users!

And just like usual when a new feature in an app goes viral, tech giants in the social media space take a crack at cloning and offering it in an attempt to enamor their users! Ever since Clubhouse’s first release in 2020, companies like Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Spotify, Discord and even Reddit have either been creating products that compete directly with Clubhouse, or adding Clubhouse-like features to their existing platforms. These features are collectively known as social audio — a new subclass of social media. Let’s have look at…



Ashwin Hariharan
Egen Engineering & Beyond

Software Engineer & Fitness Freak, among other things! ❤ Writing | Startups, Tech, AI, ML | Teacher on occasions, student for life.