How to use Elasticsearch to Create an Exceptional User Experience in Retail

Ashwin Hariharan
Egen Engineering & Beyond
23 min readApr 28, 2022


You just went to Google. What do you see?

Google screenshot

You saw a search box inviting you to type something. Well I’m a programmer, so I’ll just go ahead and type in the word recursion.

Google screenshot with recursion

Haha. A recursion joke. You’re funny, Google. But jokes aside, let’s look at the top 5 results:

Google recursion results

It probably took less than a second for Google to return documents from the web about recursion neatly ordered by relevance.

If you’re reading this on your phone or laptop right now, you’ve likely heard of the term search engine. A search engine is a software component that allows you to find information in a computer. It usually consists of an interface that lets you enter a search query where you specify criteria about an item of interest. This could be in the form of words…



Ashwin Hariharan
Egen Engineering & Beyond

Software Engineer & Fitness Freak, among other things! ❤ Writing | Startups, Tech, AI, ML | Teacher on occasions, student for life.