Egretia Bi-weekly Report: Phase XIX
As the pronunciation of “520” is homophonic for “I Love You” in Chinese, which makes May 20 become one of valentine days in china. Many couples in China choose to register for marriage or get married on May 20. Therefore, we wanna express our loves (“520”) to our community and supporters ~
The recent upsurge in prices of EGT from $0.000026 in Jan. to $0.00488 in May, has attract more investors or community back to the cryptocurrencies. It rallied more than 18 times at maximus! It is likely to be a gradual up-move. Thanks for all the supports from our community and investors as well as all our developers~
Team’s recent outcomes over the past two weeks as follows:
Game platform function optimization
Optimize the voucher system: unlimited vouchers offer
Optimize the check-in mechanism: players can receive numerous vouchers by sign-in
Optimize the voucher display mechanism: users can see the proportion of their own voucher
Other function modification and optimization
Egretia wallet
Product research and prototype design (80%)
Wallet underlying architecture (80%)
Mnemonic generation mechanism and Demo test (complete)
HD wallet and cloud wallet mechanism combing (complete)
Blockchain game development
Game design and development (in progress)
Game details optimized and polished (in progress)
Game numerical system test (in progress)
Optimize and fix some tiny issues as per the feedback
Third-party technical support
Blockchain gaming in Consensus
Consensus 2019 was held on May 13 in New York, USA. Consensus is the one global conference and expo that brings entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, traders, developers, academics, students and people with curiosity together under one roof to explore, collaborate and debate the future of blockchain and crypto.
In the conference, blockchain gaming industry has become an increasingly important issue. As a pioneer in the blockchain gaming ecosystem, Egretia will accumulate the well-rounded experiences and focus on our framework in the blockchain gaming and technology, to benefit more developers and users, and facilitate the development of blockchain gaming.