Egretia Engine Update: Support Huawei Quick Game

Egretia Io
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2020

Development procedure for accessing the Huawei Quick Game:

1. Preparation

>Register as a developer on Huawei Quick Game

>Call APIs such as game sign-in and user information provided by Huawei

> Note that the size of released rpk file is less than 10MB

2. The game creation and package

1)Create a game via Egretia Launcher or import the existing project on Egretia

2) After creating or importing is done, it will be shown on the list. Then developers can click the release settings

3) Select the Huawei Quick Game to create the quick game

4) After the creation, developers can click the button to release the game

Compile the game code to Huawei Quick Game: compile the code in the Egretia project into the Quick Game project;

• The type of game code -debug: js code is not obfuscated by uglify, which is convenient for debugging;

  • The type of game code -release: the uglify obfuscation and compression for js code;

5) After release, the rpk files will be generated in dist files

6) Huawei Quick Game Structure

• Build directory:

o egret.fastgame.js: Adaptation layer code of Egretia engine and Quick Game;

o game.js: the entry file of Quick Game;

o icon directory: game icons;

o js directory: js code of the game;

o manifest.js: to load dependent js files;

o manifest.json: the configuration file of Quick Game

o resources: resource files such as pictures and audio of the game;

o dist directory: to store compiled rpk files;

o sign: to store signature files;

o signtool: a compilation tool for Quick Game;

7) Through the “Modify Configuration” tab of the Launcher, developers can modify the relevant parameters of Huawei quick game

• Note that developers need to republish the rpk for the new parameters to take effect after modifying the parameters;

  • The minimum platform version number is 1075;

3. Download and install Huawei Quick App Loader

• Download the Windows/Mac version of the Quick Application Loader Assistant;

  • Click to select the compiled rpk package, and then install it on the phone

4. About signature files

There are two types of the signature of Huawei Quick Game: debug and release. We provide a default debug signature for developers to package and debug. But if developers want to use platform functions such as log-in and user information, they must use the release signature.

• On the release tab of the Launcher, developers can select Release as the signature type, and click the “Open” button on the right to open a folder, and then import the generated signature file;

• After re-release, the generated rpk package is signed with release;

  • Note: For signatures generated by Huawei tools, the fingerprint of the certificate must be filled in the project settings in the background of Quick Game.

More info about Huawei Quick Game:

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