Egretia Planning for 2021

Egretia Io
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Last year was an extraordinary year. Thanks to the tireless efforts of all, Egretia was able to deliver the best possible outcome.

This year’s main targets and tasks for Egretia are to facilitate the innovation of blockchain technology and adopt new approaches in the exploration of blockchain and cloud games. Meanwhile, the promotion and training of blockchain technology will continue to play an important role in further developing the entire ecosystem.


As a blockchain gaming ecosystem, Egretia has successfully released the initial complete blockchain gaming development workflow in the world. In 2021, under the guideline of expediting the development of gaming industry, Egretia will upgrade its engine and release its new version! In addition, Egretia will implement the strategy of more engagement with successful enterprises in upstream and downstream industry and strive to unearth and launch more excellent games for a better integration of blockchain with traditional games and new technologies.

>Game incubation & cooperation

>Seek the potential collaboration with the high-traffic third-party platforms as well as wallets.

>To test the brand-new open-source platform by combining the accumulated gaming contents and channels.

>Strive for the world-leading blockchain gaming ecosystem


More was done to improve the workflow, programming capability and native game operation in 2020. Egretia will intensify efforts to make major breakthroughs and release the new version of Egretia engine this year.

>Scale up the capacity for supporting platforms including mobile, PC and the mini-program platform in other sectors.

>Support for the larger and heavier native game projects, get rid of the performance constraints of small games.

>Advance the support for native game development

>Introduce WebAssembly technology to implement part of the engine’s functions. DragonBones has been rewritten and tested internally by adopting WebAssembly.

>Integrate Egretia Pro component entity system architecture and introduce RxJS to realize functional programming.

>Enhance the capacity to provide the value-added services for developers with the integration of cloud.

Blockchain Promotion

In 2021, Egretia will continue to strengthen its blockchain technology promotion and training aligning with the renowned institutions and universities.

>Egretia will organize various of blockchain events for developers which exerts a real impact on the blockchain gaming technology publicity.

>Egretia will introduce its technology to more users through online AMA sessions with other related communities in world.

>Egretia will give a big boost to its presence in Asia by planning the training events and seminars based on blockchain gaming technology.

>Egretia will connect with the most active community of the blockchain gaming ecosystem and facilitate the establishment and development of the blockchain game ecosystem through the most appropriate approach for the moment.

Stay tuned for updates from the Egretia official channels below so that you can be involved in all the exciting things to come!

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