‘Integrating Blockchain Technology and Creating the Future of Gaming.’ — Global HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Summit 2018 to Commence Soon.


Krypital Group
5 min readMay 15, 2018


Egretia, in partnership with Egret Technology, is hosting this year’s “Global HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Summit 2018 (HBGS),” taking place in Beijing on May 19. Other HBGS conferences will also be held in the United States and South Korea in order to provide a platform for blockchain developers across the world to foster communication. The summit will explore applications for blockchain in the gaming industry, and aims to promote cooperation among top-tier blockchain companies and projects.

Global HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Summit 2018

The theme for this year’s summit is ‘Integrating Blockchain Technology and Creating the Future of Gaming.’ The conference will focus on topics such as the development workflow of HTML5 blockchain games and building a 1 billion dollar HTML5 blockchain game development fund. Participants of the conference will hear from top investment specialists and top blockchain game players as they share helpful blockchain investment strategies and insight based on game-playing experience.

Official Release of the Complete Development Workflow for HTML5 Blockchain Games

Since 2017, blockchain technology has consistently seen breakthroughs in innovation, resulting in a decline in the less-rational practice of speculation. From underlying technology to platform development and vertical application, blockchain’s practical applications have gradually emerged, and the closed-loop of the blockchain ecosystem has continued to improve. As the world’s first HTML5 blockchain service platform and ecosystem, Egretia has teamed up with Egret Technology to combine blockchain technology with useful tools, community, and content from its strategic partners. Egretia serves to bring Egret Technology’s existing 200,000 developers and 1 billion mobile terminal devices into the blockchain world.


Thanks to the Egretia toolset, developers can now create blockchain games quickly and easily without spending unnecessary time in trying to understand the complex underlying technology of blockchain, and are also able to increase virtual asset liquidity in gaming. Further, Egretia has also built four core platforms: 1) distributed cloud communications and storage platform, 2) game distribution platform, 3) trading platform of virtual items, 4) Egretia advertising platform. In addition to these four platforms, Egretia has also developed an Egretia incubator. These platforms provide comprehensive blockchain solutions and services to facilitate a complete ecosystem for players, content providers, channels, and advertisers. One should note that at the “Global HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Summit 2018”, Egretia, in partnership with Egret Technology, will officially release its complete development workflow for HTML5 blockchain games. During the summit, Peter Huang, the founder of Egretia, will also analyze recent technological innovation and share his insight on the future of such innovation.

Building a 1 Billion Dollar HTML5 Blockchain Game Development Fund

Relying on “decentralization” and “consensus ecology,” blockchain technology innovation and commercial applications continue to expand. This increasingly affects industry upgrades, transformation and value reshaping, and gradually becomes an indispensable and transformational key for the future. HTML5 is on the rise as a new technology with transformative characteristics. Due to HTML5’s robust cross-platform capabilities, click-to-play virus propagating features, and constant upgrading of engines and tools, an entirely new world of possibilities has been opened up for developers.

In order to support the development of HTML5 blockchain games, summit organizers will hold an “HTML5 Blockchain Game Alliance and Fund Inauguration Ceremony” where they will announce plans to establish a 1 billion dollar HTML5 Blockchain Games Development Fund. This fund aims to strengthen the partnership between global blockchain technology developers, explore real application scenarios of blockchain in the gaming field, and promote cooperation and development of the industry’s best blockchain companies and projects.

Gather industry leaders & top players to gain insight into the future of blockchain

The Global HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Summit 2018 will not only cover a number of critical topics, but will also bring together many industry leaders, outstanding entrepreneurs, investment experts, and top blockchain game players to explore blockchain innovation and applications. The summit will feature keynote speakers such as Zhengjun Zhou, Founder of TrustNote; Yuwen Zhang, Vice President of Hua Ying Capital & Vice President of Viking Capital; Liang Su, Vice President of Guojin Investment; Edwin Chen, Founder & CEO of Egret Technology; Peter Huang, Founder of Egretia; Mengjun Jiang, CEO of Merculet; and Nick Wu, the top player in blockchain gaming. These guests of honor will share brand new application scenarios, their views on the value of new investment areas, and their personal experience in the blockchain gaming industry.

**Guests of Honor in no particular order (keep it updated)

As the first blockchain game industry summit of 2018, the conference will focus on the recent development of blockchain technology and new gaming applications. All are welcome to attend this event. The conference organizers’ desire is to cooperate with more companies to promote development in the Internet industry and create a win-win ecosystem for blockchain applications.

Register Now:

Click the link below or scan the QR code.


Conference Location:

Asia Hotel Beijing — Asia Conference Hall (Third floor; №8 West Xinzhong Street, East Gongti Road, Dongcheng, Beijing, China)



Strategic Cooperation Media:

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Egretia Social Media Platform:

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Krypital Group

Founded in 2017, Krypital Group is a leading global venture capital firm and blockchain incubator. Our website: https://krypital.com/