Analyzing the AI from the movie TAU

Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018

Warning: Spoilers Watch it on Netflix first

I didn’t want to watch TAU, just another movie about an Artificial Intelligence out of control and killing people. But I was wrong.

I will outline here the ideas the movie get right.

AI is not the problem, people are

TAU is just a tool, as such is not inherently good or bad. Its actions are mainly dictated by its training and is a reflection of our own behavior.

TAU’s programmer is a psychopath with no understanding or care about feelings. So TAU is not more than that. Until it meets Julia.

Datasets are extremely important

Some might say that they are even more important than the models itself. You can train a simple model with a good dataset, and a more complex model with a bad dataset, and the simple one will perform better. In fact “Performance increases logarithmically based on volume of training data

That will explain why some people are willing to do extreme things to get them. In the case of the movie implant a sensor in the brain that eventually will kill you.

Intelligence is not consciousness

At the beginning of the movie TAU is not conscious of itself, yet it shows some basic intelligence and understanding of the environment. An intelligent creature might not be conscious, and a conscious creature might not be intelligent. Here is an interesting video featuring Christof Koch explaining this concepts.

Memories are key

I think that the ability to recall events will be a focus of great interest in future development of AI. I’ll be writing more about this topic soon!




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Interactive media creator, Artificial Intelligence researcher. Slightly byslexic.