Master Human Design’s 5 Types! III: Non-Energy Types (Projectors and Reflectors)

Michael Gabriel
Eidolon Human Design
4 min readMay 11, 2023


Hello again! In my last article I talked about the power of the sacral center, how carrying a defined sacral center always results in a generator energy type, and why that is so! I’ll include a link to that article at the bottom of this one, in case you missed it.

For now, though, we are moving on to discuss the “non-energy” types: projectors and reflectors.

Image of two human figures in a reflective pool; one projector and one reflector.
AI Art, prompted by Michael Gabriel

What creates a “non-energy” type?

Essentially, the design specification for a non-energy type is having no motor definition to the throat center. In that case, the design is one which has no consistent way to self-manifest.

Additionally, they will always have an open sacral center. (Remember that the presence of a defined sacral makes one a generator, regardless of any other aspect of the chart.)

The majority will have an open throat center, although there is a flavor of projector which does have a defined throat. (But still no defined motor)

This combination of design mechanics gives rise to several attributes:

Attributes of Non-Energy Types

1. Receptivity Over Manifestation



Michael Gabriel
Eidolon Human Design

Owner and operator of a human vehicle on a strange planet called Earth.