Eidoo Diary from Lugano Fund Forum: Day 1

Amelia Tomasicchio
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2017
Eidoo at the Lugano Fund Forum

The following Eidoo weekly update has been written at the Lugano Fund Forum, event held in Lugano on November 20th and 21st.

Writing from our stand

Day 1th — Eidoo is one of the partners of the Lugano Fund Forum together with our friends of BigBit, BitMax, BlockchainLab, CryptoLab and CryptoPolis.

9.00 a.m. — We’ve just arrived at Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano.

After the registration, we reached our stand called “CryptoPolis” because of the Swiss Association we are part of.

We are located on the first floor, Room A.

CrytoPolis + Eidoo

CryptoPolis is based in Chiasso with active connections to international centers of blockchain and fintech innovation in the world.

We joined this association because CryptoPolis aims at developing the best ecosystem for blockchain, cryptographic technologies, and fintech into the south of Europe, linking the association with the rest of the word.

Speeches on November 20th

During this morning, our stand is going to host a few interesting speeches about digital currencies, the blockchain, and ICOs.

Below you can read the full list of participants that you can join today at our stand:

Paolo Barrai talking about CryptoPolis
  • 11.30 CryptoPolis — Swiss Association for the Crypto World
  • 12.00 Bitmax — CryptoCurrencies Exchange approved in Ticino
  • 13 Mining — Crypto in Sofia
  • 13.30 BlockchainInvest — 750% performance in 10 months
  • 14 KPMG — CryptoCurrencies Compliance
  • 14,30 Eidoo — ICO Engine Overview
  • 15,00 AidCoin — Charity with Cryptocurrencies.
  • 15,30 BigBit — Technical Analysis about Bitcoin
  • 16,00 BHB Network — Bitcoin and Banks
  • 16,30 BigBit — Crypto-trader Psychology between mania and strategy

Eidoo Speech

Today — and tomorrow too — I will give a speech about Eidoo at 14,30–15 CET.

Amelia Tomasicchio talking about Eidoo and ICO

It will be an overview about Eidoo, talking about all tools we are going to develop in the near future (multicurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, debit card, decentralized marketplace, etc. Read our roadmap here).

But, the primary focus of my speech will be related to the presentation of our ICO Engine that we launched a few hours ago.

Eidoo ICO Engine

Eidoo ICO Engine

The first two startups that decided to organize their token sale in exclusive through our mobile app are EthLend and AidCoin that is going to launch its pre-sale today.

AidCoin CEO Francesco Nazari Fusetti will also give a speech about its pre-sale and project later in the afternoon, always at our CryptoPolis stand.

Tomorrow, we will publish another blog post with the list of speeches that are going to happen during the 21st November.

The first few hours

As I wrote, we have just arrived in Lugano for this event. There are a lot of startups related to the crypto world that are very interested in our ICO Engine, so our main focus today is letting companies know about our latest product to join token sales from the Eidoo app.

Talking about Eidoo and more

Read more about the Eidoo ICO Engine here.

It is fascinating being here and talking with such different people — both curious and insight — that came in Lugano from all around the world to have a better understanding of this disruptive blockchain environment or to improve their crypto-related network.

How to join us

To participate in this event, you need to come here in Lugano and make a reservation. More info can be found here.

Disclaimer: This blog post is going to be updated during the day

More pictures can be found below:

Our stand during November 20th
Francesco Nazari Fusetti talking about AidCoin
AidCoin and Eidoo

