Eidoo Support: how we manage your requests and ideas

Amelia Tomasicchio
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017
Eidoo Support

A few weeks ago, Eidoo started to have a support email where you can send all your questions and express your suggestions about the use of our mobile app (it is both available for iOS and Android).

That said, we want to thank people who are already part of the Eidoo world and invite those who have not yet joined this project to contact us for any clarification, both commercially and technically.

So, please feel free to reach out to us at support@eidoo.io.

Eidoo FAQ Section

We have a lot of work to do for improving our Support & Customer Service Department, but we are working hard on the matter to satisfy all the support requests in a faster and more professional way.

Currently, we receive a lot of emails regarding info and support.

Following these requests, we are working a lot on the improvement of our FAQ section, which you can find on the official website here.

Suggestions and ideas

We have also received many good suggestions for new features, we will consider implementing them in the near future.

We always collect your requests and ideas in order to discuss and evaluate them during our development meeting we organize daily or weekly with our developers and team members so we can decide how and when to implement them, while staying consistent with our agenda and roadmap.

It is very exciting to see so many people contacting us every day, even when the email is only about congratulations and compliments to the Eidoo team.

Technical questions

Of course, we also receive several emails related to more technical questions. In this case, we would need much time to solve all the support tickets because they might be connected to technical questions that need some time to be addressed.

Luckily, these are the less frequent emails we receive.

We are exploiting them to upgrade our services, always trying to provide you with the best wallet and tool on the market.

Also, we are delighted with the fact that this is an unusual kind of request because it means that our wallet is very stable, smooth, and user-friendly.

Eidoo Support: plans for the future

To brush up our support and increase the speed of the management of emails we daily receive, we are considering to create an Eidoo forum that might fit into the official Eidoo website.

That said, we are also using Manage Engine Service Desk Plus to better manage your requests and divide into the right labels.

Your questions will be processed in about 2 business days, and you will receive an answer from our support manager Massimiliano di Loreto, and our intern Nicola Damian.

However, we are always open to listen to your suggestions.

So, if you want to help us in deciding how to manage your support tickets, please leave us feedback by completing the survey here.

Thank you!

This article was made possible thanks to our support manager Massimiliano di Loreto.

