Eidoo Wallet hit more than 100k downloads

Amelia Tomasicchio
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

Today our Eidoo Wallet app hit more than 100,000 downloads, as you can read in the image below.

Eidoo Wallet Installs by user on Google Play

We are glad about the worldwide support we are receiving from you all, but this is just one of the steps we want to achieve.

More than 100k downloads is a very crucial goal, but there is a lot to do to improve our product, by providing you more tools in the near future, as you can read in the roadmap you can find here.

As you know, in fact, Eidoo is not just a multicurrency wallet. It plans to be much more, by integrating more services such as a decentralized exchange, a branded debit card, ICO Engine, and a decentralized marketplace. Everything in just the single mobile app (soon also on desktop).

Installs by worldwide users are more than 100k on the Google Play Store (107,480 to be more precise) and about 10k on the App Store.

This is why Google added the Eidoo Wallet app in the 100–500k installs section, as you can read in the image below.

Eidoo Wallet on Google Play

Eidoo Token listed on IDEX

Another good news is that we have been listed on IDEX, a new exchange platform, so you can now be able to trade our EDO token on this decentralized exchange.

IDEX is an Ethereum based decentralized smart contract exchange that supports real-time trading and high transaction throughput. IDEX also supports limit and market orders, gas-free cancels and the ability to fill many trades at once.

