
Candlesticks are used to track market prices and price ranges in assets for predetermined periods.

Candlesticks show a high, low, open, and close of a given time frame. The fat part of a candlestick is called the body. Is the body red, then the top part of the body is the opening and the bottom is the close of that candlestick. Is the body green, then the bottom part is the opening and the top part is the close of the candlestick.

The lines above and below the body are the shadows, also known as tails. They show the price range for the duration of the candlestick. So the highest point of the upper tail is the highest price, with the lowest price of the lower tail showing the low.



MN Trading Beginners section
MN Trading Beginners section

Published in MN Trading Beginners section

In this publication Bonsanca Group will post all the relevant content for trading cryptocurrencies and staying ahead of the game.

Franklin F
Franklin F

Written by Franklin F

Chief Research Officer at Eight Global