1500+ eInc Organisations Created !

EtherInc Blockchain
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2018

We are glad to share with you that above 1500 eInc organisations have been registered so far, which is a great success! An era of decentralized organisations has been started and we would like to thank everyone who had shown interest in it.

eInc Organisation

eInc Organisation is a smart contract with predefined protocol (eInc protocol) and running on EtherInc blockchain, every eInc has a unique name and will be maintained by eIncNS (eInc organisations name service) smart contract.

eInc lets you create a digital organisation based on cryptographic proof, instead of trust, that can operate border-less, permission-less, democratically and transparently with the consensus of its shareholders, without the need of a trusted third party or costly intermediaries.

Click here to create your eInc

Advantages of eInc Organisation

  • eInc removes the legal, financial and operational complications of getting started on your entrepreneurial journey. Reserve a name and quickly set up your blockchain organisation.
  • Create and put forward organisational proposals for issues that need a voting. Votes are secure, transparent and impossible to forge.
  • Issue and assign stock with different vesting schedules and voting power of the shares to the founding team. Easily distribute ownership and bring different stakeholders into your organisation.
  • Add founding members, assign roles and associate grade to build a robust team structure that ensures key people can instantly execute certain actions. Define how certain actions in your organisation are decided and triggered.
  • Easily pay salaries to employees or make payments to third parties based on accepted proposals.
  • Raise funds from anyone in the world. Since every transaction will get registered on the public eInc blockchain, this makes your eInc more transparent

Why to establish eInc Organisation?

  • eInc aims to be available to entrepreneurs everywhere.
  • Creating, managing and operating an organisation can be needlessly complicated with lengthy paperwork, bank visits, numerous fees and third parties imposing artificial restrictions and eInc is free of all these legal matters.
  • We built eInc to empower teams around the globe to create, manage and operate decentralized democratic organisations that are more resilient and trusted, enabling efficient creation of value without borders, restrictions and costly intermediaries.

How to establish eInc Organisation?

In a flash of time you can register your own eInc organisation. There are few steps to be followed and you will be in. This video will be a great help.

EtherInc Website https://einc.io
Join our Telegram Group

Wallet: https://wallet.einc.io/
Organisation Explorer (Mainnet): https://etherinc.org/
Organisation Explorer (Rosten Testnet): https://ropsten.etherinc.org/
Block Explorer (Mainnet): https://explorer.einc.io/
Block Explorer (Rosten Testnet): https://ropstenexplorer.einc.io/
Network (Mainnet): https://network.einc.io/
Network (Rosten Testnet): https://ropstennetwork.einc.io/
eIncMeta: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lghmfnfghfcjoblchpmlghkigcgakoag



EtherInc Blockchain
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An Ethereum Fork to power the future of Organizations on the blockchain. https://einc.io