Use ETH to claim your free ETI

EtherInc Blockchain
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018

Do you own ETH? Then here’s your opportunity to claim free ETI. Read on to understand how to do it.

Just like ether (ETH) is the crypto-fuel for the Ethereum network, ETI (etherinc) is the crypto-fuel for the eInc blockchain.

Since eInc blockchain was born as a result of a fork of Ethereum on block 5078585, hence, if you held ETH in your ether wallet balance at the time of the fork then you’re entitled for a ETI in 1:1 ratio.

All you have to do is to go to and enter your Ethereum address.

The ETI will be sent to the same ETH address so your private key of Ethereum will work for ETI too.

Once you receive your ETI on your old ethereum address, you can then transfer it to your ETI wallet address if you wish. For storing ETI, you can get eInc wallet at

Using ETI, you’ll be able to register and reserve your eInc — a global digital organization based on cryptographic proof of the blockchain instead of trust, that can operate borderless, permissionless, democratically and transparently with the consensus of its shareholders, without the need of a trusted third party and/or costly intermediaries.

What are you waiting for? Claim your free ETI and reserve your first eInc.



EtherInc Blockchain
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An Ethereum Fork to power the future of Organizations on the blockchain.