EIPlatform is a Revolutionary Solution to the Marketing Problems in Esports

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4 min readMay 30, 2018

Esports continue to flourish around the world, with a lot of investment coming into the industry. The esports audience is very valuable to advertisers. Fans and viewers are mostly in their 20s and 30s with a high disposable income. Fans are passionate and very highly engaged.

The massive growth and evolution of esports has brought a lot of new investors to the industry who were previously not involved with gaming or esports. Esports is seen as a key marketing sector of the next decade and major brands across all industries want to be involved. They see the huge potential for getting their marketing message to a market segment that is often seen as “difficult to reach”.

However, with this growth a number of problems have emerged in esports marketing.

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the esports market is complex and difficult for brands to understand. EIP founder, Yury Mertsalov says “we first saw problems about 2 or 3 years ago. More and more brands and companies wanted to come into esports but had no idea what it was, and how to get into it.”

EIP — EIPlatform — The Future is Now!

The esports market are known to be big social media users, internet savvy, and generally opposed to marketing. The esports industry has excessively cautioned brands that if you “Do it wrong” the esports audience will turn on you. For brands, there is a high perceived risk of having the esports community rejecting their product.

Major brands tend to only work with top teams, tournaments and streamers. There is less data available on smaller teams and content creators, meaning that most of the money in the industry tends to stay at the top levels. Similarly, because of the inefficiency of the esports market caused by fragmentation, it can be difficult for brands to participate in esports marketing without large budgets.

EIPlatform Founders are Leaders in the Esports World

Several years ago, EIP founders Sergey Nevodnichiy, Yury Mersalov and Mikhail Barashkov saw the potential of the esports industry and began to get involved. Team Empire, created in 2004 by Sergey Nevodnichiy, is one of the original esports teams that has made Russia such an esports powerhouse. Spartak Esports (founder Mikhail Barashkov) is an affiliate of Spartak Moscow, most famous for it’s football club (currently a close third in the Russian Premier League).

Team Empire and Spartak Esports

Around two or three years ago they began working on a solution to some of the problems they had faced in the esports marketing industry. As blockchain technology advanced, it became apparent that this would make the solution to these issues much easier, more efficient and transparent.

With blockchain, advanced data management and analysis will allow advertisers to understand and target their audience more effectively and efficiently. Marketing will be more profitable and brands will be able to get more exposure with lower investments.

EIPlatform’s global decentralized network will allow all participants within the EIP ecosphere to interact directly. Brands of all sizes will be able to reach their target audience. Likewise, tournaments, teams and, players and content creators of all levels will be able to monetize and benefit from the budgets of leading brands.

EIP’s founders are leading members of the esports industry with a complete understanding of the issues that exist within the sector. They understand how these problems can be solved using blockchain technology. Indeed, everyone in the EIP team is an expert in their field. They are all dedicated to the project and have the passion to achieve success.

The second pre-sale phase of the EMI token sale is launching from November 26 until November 30, 2018. A 30% bonus will be awarded to all purchases until the end of the pre-sale period.

Price is $1 for 10 EMI, with minimum transaction of 100USD.

For more information on this opportunity and on the EIP project, please visit EIPlatform.




Esports Interactive Platform — The Future of Esports Marketing — https://eiplatform.io