Esports in 2018: 62% of US Households Play Esports Games Regularly

Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

As we move into the second half of the year, a new report by Parks Associates, published yesterday, focuses on the emerging trends in the US esports market in 2018. According to the report, 10% of US households with broadband internet now watch esports online on sites such as Twitch and Youtube and 62% actually play an esport game for at least an hour a week.

At a time when interest in traditional sports is declining, esports is well positioned to capture the attention of the generation that grew up playing video games.

In comments accompanying the report, Hunter Sappington, a Parks research analyst, advises marketers to invest in esports. “By participating in this market during its formative stage, pay-TV providers, networks, and other ecosystem players can influence the trajectory of the market and secure content rights to key events,” he says.

Esports’ growth reflects how the internet has affected peoples’ consumption of sports and leisure. According to report, 67% of viewers use computers to watch esports, followed by 45% using TVs and 34% using a smartphone.

The Esports Niche is Getting Bigger

“Real” sports teams are increasingly getting involved in esports, and it seems that barely a week goes by without a new major partnership or franchise. This is bringing a lot of capital and financial stability into the industry, as well as advantages from the natural crossover between the sports and entertainment worlds and the esports industry. The experience of managing a traditional team improves fan engagement and can bring investment in new technology and techniques to train players.

Mainstream brands such as Red Bull, Coca Cola, Old Spice, Gillette, T-Mobile and Papa Johns sponsor major esports events. They have been welcomed to the scene by fans. By getting in at an early stage, and helping provide esports fans with content they love, these brands have managed to gain an incredible amount of brand equity with a generation of video gamers.

The Parks Associates report says that the typical gamer is under 35, up on the latest video trends and technology. They spend an average $47.23 on non-pay-TV video entertainment per month, the new study says, compared to just $22.97 for non-gamers.

Esports is growing into a major market for brands wishing to tap into this attractive, ever-growing audience. Despite its size, it is still a niche market, where brands can help shape the future of the industry and form long-term relationships with esports fans.

EIPlatform will allow direct interaction between brands of all sizes and the esports community. Tournaments, teams, players and content creators of all levels will be able to better monetize their audiences and benefit from the budgets of leading brands. Esports fans and viewers will benefit from rewards of exclusive goods and services.

300,000 EMI Tokens Giveaway

All payments between participants in the EIPlatform system will be made via smart contracts using EMI. As part of the promotional campaign to attract future users of the platform’s services, EIP are distributing EMI tokens for free to the first 30,000 users. Each new user will be able to receive 10 free EMI tokens which they will be able to use for various rewards such as participation in esports teams’ activities, receive merchandise from leading brands, use for charity contributions or be able to qualify to win prizes.

To receive the 10 EMI tokens, users need to:

1) Sign up for the EIPlatform Telegram group

2) Register on this link

For more information on EIPlatform, please visit




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