The Business Investment Platform by EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy’s Business Investment Platform brings together key stakeholders across the energy value chain to accelerate transactions between investee and investor.

This platform is a key feature of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), the European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Centre (EGHAC), and the European Solar Initiative (ESI), enabling us to fast-track the investment required to meet Europe’s sustainability targets.

In particular, it is paving the way for Europe to generate €70 billion of front-loaded investment in batteries which is required to meet peak demand by 2023.

It will help to meet the goal of €40 billion in front-loaded investment in photovoltaic production capacity, which is required to reach Europe’s targets for renewable energy supply. And, it is helping EGHAC accelerate the green hydrogen economy, which has a target of 1200TWh of final energy use based on green hydrogen by 2025 — representing investments north of €100 billion across the affected value chains.

Co-designed with public and private financial institutions and several core industrial partners, the BIP shortens the time to invest, reduces the investee's business risk, and reduces investment risk for the investor.

The BIP is a “fit for purpose” business investment platform attracting best-in-class projects

Investor Benefits:

  • One-stop-shop to get access to the rapidly expanding European Battery industry,
  • Safer and more predictable investments in the robust screening process for business cases,
  • Early introduction to the industrial initiatives,
  • Ability to coach and intervene early in industrial initiatives.

Investee Benefits:

  • Coaching and help to make business cases solid and robust,
  • Access to all kinds of financial institutions both private and public,
  • Access to EBA 250 network for partners, suppliers, off-takers, etc.

How does the BIP work?

These are all critical components of the industrial value chains EIT InnoEnergy is spearheading to accelerate the clean energy transition and help the world reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Apply for Business Investment Platform here:

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