The Song of Silence

Mohit Mishra
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2024

Another day has gone by
Without seeing You
I see Your beauty in this world
But when do I get to see You?

You gave this world to me
I give up this world for You

A great silence is coming over me
I wonder why I use language
The tongue knows not how to speak
The heart sings in a thousand silent ways

I hear You in the noisy streets
I hear You in the mountains
Louder than the loudest tongue
Clearer than the quietest room

I roamed a thousand miles
Deaf to Silence within
Until I heard You play
The silent song of Being

Where do You come from?
I know not but my heart
Knows nothing but You
Where am I to go?

Your unspeakable bliss
O Melodious Silence
The glimpses of which
Grow my longing for You

Another day is going by
I cannot wait anymore

Take me to Your furnace
Burn me, melt me away
Make me Your flute
And play it as You wish

The touch of Your lips
The dance of Your fingers
The warmth of Your breath
The sweetness of Your music

O Deathless Silence
For births after births
Words, thoughts and desires
I wore such heavy dresses

Now I say no more
Words obstruct You

Now I think no more
Thoughts veil You

Now I desire no more
Desires ignore You

Now I undress
To just be


